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  1. Siemanko, od jakiegoś czasu mam problem z serwerem ts3, na serwer wchodzą boty
    Pomoże mi ktoś z konfiguracją kicku za nick? Najważniejsze, żeby kick był dla ludzi z frazą ".pl"


    # JTS3ServerMod Config File
    # Set message for using a bad nickname.
    # You can use the following keywords, which will be replaced:
    # %CLIENT_NAME% - Client Name
    # You can use \n for a new line and typical BBCode like in Teamspeak 3 Client.
    %CLIENT_NAME% zmień nick!

    # Set bad nickname rules here. One rule per line. Use regular expressions for the rules.
    # This rules will be used case-insensitive.
    # The following link give you some informations about regular expressions in java:
    # Important: If you are not sure, test your regular expressions on the following page:
    # or
    # Or the bot may kick all people, if you do something wrong!
    # nigger and some variations
    # hitler and some variations
    # nazi and some variations




    I tutaj drugi plik




    # Kick client with a bad nickname? Set yes or no here!
    bad_nick_kick = yes
    # Add complain entry to the user? Set yes or no here!
    bad_nick_add_complain = no
    # A comma separated list (without spaces) of server group ids.
    # Depends on the given mode, this server groups can be ignored or only this server groups will be checked!
    # If no server groups should be ignored, set no server groups here and select the group list mode ignore!
    bad_nick_group_list = 
    # Select one of the two modes for the server group list.
    # ignore = The selected server groups will be ignored and can have bad nicknames.
    # only = Only the selected server groups will be checked.
    bad_nick_group_list_mode = ignore
    # Select the message mode, how the client should get the message.
    # poke or chat are valid values!
    # If client kick is activated, the message will be always used as kick message!
    bad_nick_message_mode = poke
    # Path to file which contains the bad nickname message and check rules.
    bad_nick_file = %apphome%config/server1/badnickname.cfg

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