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Posty opublikowane przez justinjustinwow

  1. Cześć, otóż dzisiaj chciałem odzyskać swoje stare konto steam. Login pamiętam, e-mail też ale hasła już nie więc wysłałem prośbę o odzyskanie konta i dostałem taką wiadomość.


    Dear Steam user (account name: xXx),
    This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration to
    help you reset your Steam password.
    Please enter the following code into the 'Verification Code' field of the
    'Forgotten Password' dialog. (Enter the code exactly as written. You can use
    copy/paste operations to enter the code):
    Please also enter the *answer* to the following question into the 'Secret
    Answer' field of the same dialog:
        What did customer support last reset your passphrase to?
    IMPORTANT: Please do not reply to this message to attempt to reset your
    password -- that won't work.  You must enter the above information into the Steam
    The Steam Support Team
    To contact us, send email to [email][email protected][/email]

    Wiem, że ArKk7#zP to kod weryfikacyjny lecz nie rozumiem "Please also enter the *answer* to the following question into the 'Secret

    Answer' field of the same dialog:


    What did customer support last reset your passphrase to?" . Co mam wpisać oprócz tego kodu weryfikacyjnego?

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