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Posty opublikowane przez Matthew

  1. ////version prooffed by dedi//////
    // aliases
    alias reload "load standard.ini"
    alias togglepanic "closemenu; disableall; alias togglepanic reload"
    alias toggleradar enableradar
    alias enableradar "set rad_Active 1; alias toggleradar disableradar"
    alias disableradar "set rad_Active 0; alias toggleradar enableradar"
    // aimspot
    alias togglespot enablespot
    alias enablespot "set set aim_Aimspot 11; alias togglespot disablespot"
    alias disablespot "set aim_Aimspot 10; alias togglespot enablespot"
    key F5 togglespot
    // key events
    key F6 togglemenu
    key DEL togglepanic
    key END toggleradar
    key ENTER naventer
    key BACKSPACE navleave
    key ESC navleave
    key LEFTARROW navleft
    key UPARROW navup
    key RIGHTARROW navright
    key DOWNARROW navdown
    // aimkey
    alias +aim "set aim_Active 1; set aim_Autoshoot 1"
    alias -aim "set aim_Active 0; set aim_Autoshoot 0"
    key MOUSE1 +aim
    // radar
    alias +radar enableradar
    alias -radar disableradar
    // key MOUSE3 +radar
    // settings
    set aim_Active 1
    set aim_Deathmatch 0
    set aim_Aimthrough 0
    set aim_HideWpnEvent 0
    set aim_Autoshoot 0
    set aim_NoSpread 0
    set aim_NoRecoil 0
    set aim_Silent 0
    set aim_Smooth 6
    set aim_Smoothtype 2
    set aim_Aimspot 11
    set aim_Prediction 2
    set aim_DrawAimspot 0
    set aim_FOV 7
    set aim_DrawFOV 0
    set aim_MinDistance 0
    set aim_DrawMinDistance 0
    set aim_NoTwitching 1
    set esp_Style 1
    set esp_Visible 2
    set esp_Size 2
    set wh_DrawPlayer 0
    set wh_DrawWeapon 0
    set wh_ColorPlayer 0
    set wh_ColorWeapon 0
    set wh_GlowGrenade 0
    set rad_Active 0
    set rad_Size 125
    set rem_RemoveSmoke 0
    set rem_RemoveFlash 0
    set rem_DrawMessage 0

    Gram na takich ustawieniach na kilku serwerowniach i jedynie co to dostaje od czasu do czasu ssy z powodu esp, o aimie nikt nic nie mowil.

  2. Jeżeli ma byś samo esp(te kwadraciki) to otwórz config.cfg i wklej

    \\Steam Hack v16
    * Global *
    PanicKey = F12
    * Aiming *
    AimBot = 0
    AimKey = MOUSE1
    DrawFOV = 1
    DrawVec = 1
    FOV = 30
    Smooth = 3
    Standing = 19.5
    Ducking = 17.5
    * ESP *
    BoxESP = 1
    BoxSize = 200
    DistanceESP = 0
    FarESP = 1
    NameESP = 0
    VisibleESP = 0
    * Visuals *
    PlayerGlow = 0
    ThirdPerson = 1
    WallHack = 0
    * Radar *
    Radar = 0
    RadarPosition = 210 65 50
    RadarColour = 0 0 128 255
    * Other *
    BunnyHop = 0
    BunnyHopKey = SPACE
    CrossHair = 0
    CrossHairColour = 0 0 128 255
    FlashRemoval = 0
    FlashPercentage = 50
    RussianDuck = 2
    RussianDuckKey = T
    TimeAndDate = 0
    LTFXSpeed = 0
    LTFXSpeedKey = MOUSE2
  3. Steam hack v 13.1 jest w dziale vac2.



    Wklejam tutaj zawartość config.cfg . 100% nie widać że masz aima. Jakby coś Ci nie pasiło, albo aim nadal byłby za bardzo widzialny to zmień te wartości

    Standing = 20
    Ducking = 18
    na mniejsze

    \\Steam Hack v13.1
    * Global *
    PanicKey = F12
    * Aiming *
    AimBot = 1
    AimKey = MOUSE1
    DrawFOV = 0
    DrawVec = 0
    FOV = 35
    Smooth = 2
    Standing = 20
    Ducking = 18
    * ESP *
    BoxESP = 1
    BoxSize = 200
    DistanceESP = 0
    FarESP = 1
    NameESP = 0
    VisibleESP = 1
    * Visuals *
    PlayerGlow = 0
    ThirdPerson = 0
    WallHack = 0
    * Radar *
    Radar = 0
    RadarPosition = 210 65 50
    RadarColour = 0 0 128 255
    * Other *
    BunnyHop = 1
    BunnyHopKey = SPACE
    CrossHair = 0
    CrossHairColour = 0 0 128 255
    FlashRemoval = 0
    FlashPercentage = 50
    RussianDuck = 0
    RussianDuckKey = B
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