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Mph leis [hexed by dedi]

# CSH External VIP Project

Masz dosyć problemów z czynnikiem zaufania w CS2 lub notorycznymi banami?

Sprawdź CSH External VIP Project.

Więcej informacji  

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Proszę o to do bind do aima:



alias +aim "set aim_Autoshoot 1"

alias -aim "set aim_Autoshoot 0"

key MOUSE5 +aim



// esp

alias toggleesp enableesp

alias enableesp "set esp_Style 1; alias toggleesp disableesp"

alias disableesp "set esp_Style 0; alias toggleesp enableesp"

key F12 toggleesp

alias +esp enableesp

alias -esp disableesp

key MOUSE2 +esp


// wallhack

alias togglewh enablewh

alias enablewh "set wh_DrawPlayer 1; alias togglewh disablewh"

alias disablewh "set wh_DrawPlayer 0; alias togglewh enablewh"

key F12 togglewh

alias +wh enablewh

alias -wh disablewh

key MOUSE2 +wh



// settings
set aim_Active 1
set aim_Deathmatch 0
set aim_Aimthrough 0
set aim_HideWpnEvent 0
set aim_Autoshoot 0
set aim_NoSpread 0
set aim_NoRecoil 0
set aim_Silent 0
set aim_Smooth 8
set aim_Smoothtype 2
set aim_Aimspot 11
set aim_Prediction 2
set aim_DrawAimspot 0
set aim_FOV 7
set aim_DrawFOV 0
set aim_MinDistance 0
set aim_DrawMinDistance 0
set aim_NoTwitching 0

set esp_Style 0
set esp_Visible 0
set esp_Size 0

set wh_DrawPlayer 0
set wh_DrawWeapon 0
set wh_ColorPlayer 0
set wh_ColorWeapon 0
set wh_GlowGrenade 0

set rad_Active 0
set rad_Size 125

set rem_RemoveSmoke 0
set rem_RemoveFlash 0
set rem_DrawMessage 0

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Odnośnik do komentarza

Co do windowsa 7 to działa, tylko, że w moim przypadku pomogło dopiero odpalenie cheata w zgodności z windowsem 7 -.- wiem śmieszne ale jedyna opcja która zadziałała ;D.

Mógłbym prosić jakiś config, ustawienie aimbota pod MOUSE4 tylko aby nie było tak gwałtownie na heada tylko tak łagodnie i jak gdzieś koło głowy będę celował.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Ale mam taki program . Podajze dedi coś tam. Jak odpalam wh i tego czita dendiego ssy są czyste jak łza. A mogl bys mi napisac w tym czicie bym miał samego aima? Ale zeby nie był az tak bardzo mocny i mniej wykrywalny. Proszę bardzo:)


Juz wiem. Teraz mam pytanie. Gram na steamie. I czit bardzo fajny, tylko chciałbym zeby mniej banie siadały. I nie chce bana. Jeszcze bym chciał usunoć wh. Dam plusa!

Odnośnik do komentarza

Wiem że to nie to co chciałeś, ale sobie myśle że lepsze. To jest bind na off/on esp i wh:



// esp

alias toggleesp enableesp

alias enableesp "set esp_Style 1; alias toggleesp disableesp"

alias disableesp "set esp_Style 0; alias toggleesp enableesp"

key F12 toggleesp

alias +esp enableesp

alias -esp disableesp

key MOUSE2 +esp
// wallhack

alias togglewh enablewh

alias enablewh "set wh_DrawPlayer 1; alias togglewh disablewh"

alias disablewh "set wh_DrawPlayer 0; alias togglewh enablewh"

key F12 togglewh

alias +wh enablewh

alias -wh disablewh

key MOUSE2 +wh

Ustawienia do aima:

// settings
set aim_Active 1
set aim_Deathmatch 0
set aim_Aimthrough 0
set aim_HideWpnEvent 0
set aim_Autoshoot 0
set aim_NoSpread 0
set aim_NoRecoil 0
set aim_Silent 0
set aim_Smooth 1
set aim_Smoothtype 0
set aim_Aimspot 11
set aim_Prediction 0
set aim_DrawAimspot 0
set aim_FOV 15
set aim_DrawFOV 0
set aim_MinDistance 0
set aim_DrawMinDistance 0
set aim_NoTwitching 0
// settings
set aim_Active 1
set aim_Deathmatch 0
set aim_Aimthrough 0
set aim_HideWpnEvent 0
set aim_Autoshoot 0
set aim_NoSpread 0
set aim_NoRecoil 0
set aim_Silent 1
set aim_Smooth 0
set aim_Smoothtype 0
set aim_Aimspot 11
set aim_Prediction 0
set aim_DrawAimspot 0
set aim_FOV 5
set aim_DrawFOV 0
set aim_MinDistance 0
set aim_DrawMinDistance 0
set aim_NoTwitching 0

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Odnośnik do komentarza

set aim_DrawAimspot 1
set aim_NoTwitching 1
to będziesz miał kropeczkę nad głową


// lines beginning with an '//' are ignored
// you can use them to comment things

// List of available commands:
//  set <name> <value> - sets a variable to the given value
//  load <config> - loads another config file
//  alias <name> <commands> - creates an alias for a line of commands
//  key <num> <command> - attaches a command to a key
//  togglemenu - opens / closes the menu
//  closemenu - closes the menu instantly
//  naventer - enters current menu item
//  navleave - leaves current menu item
//  navleft - navigates menu left
//  navright - navigates menu right
//  navup - navigates menu up
//  navdown - navigates menu down
//  disableall - sets all variables to 0

// List of available key names:
// A - Z
// 0 - 9
// F1 - F12
// NUM0 - NUM9
// NUM

// aliases
alias reload "load standard.ini"
alias togglepanic "closemenu; disableall; alias togglepanic reload"

alias toggleradar enableradar
alias enableradar "set rad_Active 1; alias toggleradar disableradar"
alias disableradar "set rad_Active 0; alias toggleradar enableradar"

alias wpnAWP "set aim_Aimspot 9; set aim_FOV 35"
alias wpnM4A1 "set aim_Aimspot 10; set aim_FOV 4"
alias wpnAK47 "set aim_Aimspot 9; set aim_FOV 4"
alias wpnFAMAS "set aim_Aimspot 10; set aim_FOV 5"
alias wpnDEAGLE "set aim_Aimspot 11; set aim_FOV 6"
alias wpnGLOCK "set aim_Aimspot 10; set aim_FOV 8"
alias wpnUSP "set aim_Aimspot 9; set aim_FOV 8"

// key events
key INS togglemenu
key DEL togglepanic
key END toggleradar
key ENTER naventer
key BACKSPACE navleave
key ESC navleave
key LEFTARROW navleft
key UPARROW navup
key RIGHTARROW navright
key DOWNARROW navdown

// aimkey
alias +aim "set aim_Active 1; set aim_Autoshoot 0"
alias -aim "set aim_Active 0; set aim_Autoshoot 0"
key MOUSE1 +aim

// radar
alias +radar enableradar
alias -radar disableradar
// key MOUSE3 +radar

// settings
set aim_Active 1
set aim_Deathmatch 0
set aim_Aimthrough 0
set aim_HideWpnEvent 0
set aim_Autoshoot 0
set aim_NoSpread 0
set aim_NoRecoil 0
set aim_Silent 0
set aim_Smooth 8
set aim_Smoothtype 2
set aim_Aimspot 11
set aim_Prediction 2
set aim_DrawAimspot 0
set aim_FOV 7
set aim_DrawFOV 0
set aim_MinDistance 0
set aim_DrawMinDistance 0
set aim_NoTwitching 0

set esp_Style 0
set esp_Visible 0
set esp_Size 0

set wh_DrawPlayer 0
set wh_DrawWeapon 0
set wh_ColorPlayer 0
set wh_ColorWeapon 0
set wh_GlowGrenade 0

set rad_Active 0
set rad_Size 125

set rem_RemoveSmoke 0
set rem_RemoveFlash 0
set rem_DrawMessage 0

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Odnośnik do komentarza
Ten temat został zamknięty. Brak możliwości dodania odpowiedzi.


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