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# CSH External VIP Project

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masz tu, są tam przykładowe ustawienia i wyjaśnienia funkcji (nie wszystkich) *tak wiem że część tego to wielki shit


NOTE: This will focus on onetap/aimware for the time being because those are what I have the most experience with. If you wish to add settings you recommend for other cheats (Skeet, Fatality, and others)

I'm not the greatest at making cfgs so you can contribute things in the comments and I will add them to the post and I will mostly be talking about rage bot settings as I am not 100% on AA settings but I'm open to criticism and suggestions.

I see a lot of people in HvH always talking about buying configs and or using free configs from youtube or forums, I am aware that a youtuber (don't remember who) has made a guide on how to make configs before and that I will probably get hate for making this but people should learn how to cfg and what things mean.

Starting with rage bot settings I'm going to explain what things do (Aimware):

  • Aim Key: Whatever button this is set to if you hold that button down the aimbot shoots, if no button is set the aimbot is always on.

  • FOV Range: 0-180o This is the area the aimbot looks for enemies and can shoot, 180o is all around you and so on.

  • Speed Limit (aim step on other cheats): This is basically what it sounds like it prevents you from getting kicked by vac on casual servers.

  • Silent Aim: This allows you in first person to look around while you are aiming at an enemy.

  • Friendly Fire: Allows the aimbot to lock to teammates and enemies.

  • Anti Spread: Depending on if the server allows it you can play without spread.

  • Position Adjustment: This is basically back track on the rage bot.

  • Resolver: This is what allows you to "resolve" another players fake depending on the cheat you might have a good resolver or a shit resolver, Aimware for example, does not have an amazingly good resolver.

  • Override Resolver: If you hold down the button set it turns off the resolver on AW.

  • Delay Shot: What it sounds like, Allows you to set a delay before a shot is fired by the cheat.

Now for the Anti Aim tab:

  • Pitch: This is your vertical position of your player model.

  • Custom Pitch: This if you want a specific pitch.

  • Real Yaw: This is your horizontal position of your player model, Real yaw here is what your real player model will be doing, this is what people with a good resolver will see.

  • Real Yaw Add: This is if you want to add a certain amount of tilt to your real yaw.

  • Fake Yaw: This is the same as Real Yaw, but here it is what your "fake" player model will be doing, this is what people without a resolver will see.

  • Fake Yaw Add: This is the same as Real Yaw Add, but for your fake.

  • Break LBY: LBY means your lower body, A LBY breaker basically allows your lower body to have a different position than your head allowing you to hide your head behind walls.

  • Breaker LBY Delta: This is how far your lower body travels before it is rebroken.

  • At Targets: With this enabled the AA faces the closest/most threatening enemy depending on what you set it to.

  • Jitter Range: This is how far your real or fake jitters, 180o is the max.

  • Spin Bot Speed: This is only for when you have a spinbot AA enabled. This is how fast your player model spins.

  • Switch Speed: Can't remember what this does (Haven't had AW for a while).

  • Switch Range: Can't remember what this does (Haven't had AW for a while).

  • LBY Flick Up: Feature was added after my sub ran out.

  • Randomize On Headshot: Randomizes the jitter settings if you get headshotted.

  • On Ladder: Allows the AA to work when you are on ladders.

  • On Knife: Allows the AA to work when you are holding your knife.

  • On Grenades: Allows the AA to work when you are holding a grenade.

  • On Freeze Period: Allows the AA to work when you are in freeze time/buy time.

  • On Dormant: Allows the AA to work when there are no enemies on ESP.

  • Fake Walk: Now is called slow walk. Allows you to walk slow enough that your LBY doesn't update.

  • Fake Duck: This feature allows your real player model to stay ducked/crouched while you are able to shoot as if you are standing up. Only works when button is held down.

Now rage bot weapon settings:

  • Auto Wall: This allows the aimbot to shoot people through walls.

  • Auto Stop: (Minimum/Full stop) This tells the cheat to either slow down to a speed slow enough to your hit chance or completely come to a stop.

  • Auto Stop Crouch: This will crouch for you when you auto stop.

  • Auto Stop Key: Starts auto stopping when button is pressed.

  • Auto Revolver: Automatically holds down the revolver to be able to shoot instantly.

  • Hit Chance: How likely you want your weapon to fire. The lower the more you will shoot but the more you will miss, The higher it is the less you will shoot but the more shots you will hit.

  • Min Damage: The minimum damage your shot has to do to be shot by the cheat.

  • Target Selection: Tells the cheat how you want it to prioritize aiming at, Accuracy, Damage and FOV.

  • Hitbox Priority: This is what hitbox you want to prioritize shooting at.

  • Body Aim Hitbox: This is what hitbox you want to shoot at when aiming at the body.

  • Adaptive Hitboxes: Automatically chooses hitboxes for you.

  • Body Aim After X Shots: Makes the cheat body aim after it misses X number of shots.

  • Body Aim If HP Lower Than: Makes the cheat body aim if the enemy targeted has less health than the set amount.

  • Body Aim If Lethal: If the shot fired is enough to kill the targeted enemy when the cheat body aims it will.

  • Head Aim If Walking: If the targeted enemy is walking the cheat will shoot the head.

  • Ignore Limbs If Walking: If the targeted enemy is walking the cheat will not shoot at the enemy's limbs.

  • Auto Scale: Allows the cheat to automatically change hitbox scaling based on performance. (not sure if its pref or something else)

  • Auto Scale Max: This is the maximum % the cheat will scale to.

  • Hitbox Scalings (Same for all hitboxes): The size of the hitbox the cheat will be aiming at compared to the real hitbox size.

Now onetaps settings (Rage tab):

  • Selected Weapons: This is where you choose what weapons you want the ragebot to use.

  • Active Weapons: Here you can see the weapons chosen, and where you choose which weapon you want to cfg for.

  • Silent Aim: The same as any other cheat, Allows you to look around while aiming at people.

  • Automatic Fire: What it sounds like. Shoots automatically for you.

  • Team Check: Checks if a teammate is standing in front of you and does not shoot.

  • Pitch Resolver: Allows the resolver to try to resolver "fake" pitches.

  • Priority (Hitbox): Damage/Accuracy. Aims at the highest damage hitbox/the most accurate hitbox.

  • Hitboxes: In the drop down menu you can choose what hitboxes the cheat aims at.

  • Multipoint (Hitboxes): Same dropdown but this time you choose what hitboxes the cheat will multipoint.This is the same as hitbox scaling on AW but here it is only Head and Body.

  • Static Multipoint: This tells the cheat what scaling you want to have, It does not change as it is static.

  • Static Point Safety: Makes sure the multipoint scaling is at the set % before shooting.

  • Head/Body Pointscale: The % size you want the head/body hitboxes to scale to from the original size.

  • Hitbox Override: This overrides the selected hitboxes to the new selected hitboxes can be set to: On Hold, Toggle and Always On by right clicking on the chosen button.

  • Safe Point: Makes sure when you shoot you will 100% hit the enemy.

  • Max Misses: The amount of shots you miss before the resolver brute forces angels.

  • Min Damage - Visible: The minimum damage your shot has to do to be shot by the cheat.

  • Min Damage - Auto Wall: The minimum damage your shot has to do through a wall to be shot by the cheat.

  • Health Based Override: Overrides min damage if the health is under the set amount.

  • Damage Override Key: Overrides min damage if selected key is pressed.

  • Hit Chance: How likely you want your weapon to fire. The lower the more you will shoot but the more you will miss, The higher it is the less you will shoot but the more shots you will hit.

  • Accuracy Boost: Same as position adjustment I believe.

  • Shot Delay: What it sounds like, Allows you to set a delay before a shot is fired by the cheat.

  • Automatic Scope: Scopes automatically as an enemy is about to peek or you are about to peek an enemy.

  • Automatic Stop: Stops as soon as you can shoot with your hit chance.

  • Between Shots: Auto stops between shots so you can shoot better while moving.

  • Exploits (Stops fake lag when being used):
    Hide Shots: Hides your player model aiming up to shoot, Allows you to double tap. Can be set to On Hold, Toggle and Always On by right clicking on the chosen button.
    Double Tap Fast Recovery: When checked you only double tap when shooting normally is slower.
    Break Lag Compensation: Breaks enemies backtrack allowing you to not be backtracked.

Now the AA tab:

  • Disables Flags: Tells the cheat when to disable the AA.

  • At Targets: Faces your player model at the closest enemy.

  • Auto Direction: The cheat automatically positions your head behind walls based on the settings chosen. Can be set to the most threatening enemy or closest enemy.
    Extrapolated: Genuinely don't know what the fuck this does.
    Minimum Damage: The minimum damage you can take before the cheat repositions your player model.

  • Manual AA: Allows you to manually control the direction your head is facing using buttons you assign.

  • Fake Angles (will only be talking about default, Chams for this is now found in the players tab and under yourself).

  • Movement Type: Dropdown menu where you choose what movement type you want to configure AA for.

  • Fake Yaw: This is what your "fake" player model will be doing, this is what people without a resolver will see.
    Options: Static, Jitter and Spin.

  • Body Lean: This is the % lean your body leans from 0o

  • Inverted Body Lean: This is the same as body lean but for when you invert your Anti-Aim.

  • Desync: Turns on desync on your AA. Allows you to desync your fake from your real.

  • Inverter Key: This inverts your AA whenever you press the assigned button.

  • Fake Lag:

  • Visualize Lag: What color chams you want the fake lag to be.

  • Mode: What mode you want the fake lag tick manipulation to work.

  • Normal Limit: Is normal constant amount of choked ticks.

  • Triggers: When you want fake lag to be active.

  • Trigger limit: Is the constant amount of chocked ticks when activated by the triggers.

  • Extra:

  • Pitch (Only appears when anti untrusted is disabled): This is your vertical position of your player model.

  • Fake Duck: Fake ducks whenever the assigned button is pressed. Can be set to: On Hold, Toggle and Always On by right clicking on the chosen button.

  • Slow walk: Allows you to walk slowly at a constant speed where you are more accurate than shift walking. Can be set to: On Hold, Toggle and Always On by clicking on the chosen button.

  • Slide: Toggle this if you want to slide while slow walking.

  • Speed: The units per seconds you want to slow walk at, the lower the more accurate you will be.

Now on to how to config for both AW and OT. (My recommendations might not be the best suited for your playstyle so I'll try to include most playstyles I've seen/know)

Starting with AW:

  • (I forgot to recomend settings for the rage tab)

  • FOV Range: Always keep this at 180.

  • Speed Limit: If you are only using this CFG on hvh servers then keep this OFF if in mm put it on Auto.

  • Silent Aim: I recommend keeping this on client side.

  • Friendly Fire: Keep this off.

  • Aim Lock: Keep this off.

  • Anti Spread: Have this checked on.

  • Anti Recoil: Have this checked on.

  • Position Adjustment: Keep this on adaptive or high.

  • Resolver: Always keep this on.

  • Override Resolver: Don't bind this to a key.

  • Delay shot: Put this on accurate unlag.

  • Auto Wall: This should always be checked on.

  • Auto Stop: I recommend setting this to minimal speed so you can shoot as soon as possible when stopping.

  • Auto Stop Crouch: By what it sounds like I would recommend having this checked on.

  • Auto Stop Key: I don't recommend setting a key to auto stop.

  • Pistols:

  • Pistols Other Than The Deagle:
    Hit Chance: 35-60% based on how fast you want to shoot.
    Min Damage: Around 8-24 depending on what pistol you are using.
    Hit Boxes: I recommend setting the target selection to damage, and the priority hitbox to Head, and body aim hitbox to Center. I recommend using adaptive hitboxes and body aim after 3-4 shots/Lower than 45 hp.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 50-70%
    Neck: 0%
    Chest: 40-70%
    Stomach: 40-70%
    Pelvis: 50-70%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 0%

  • Deagle:
    Hit Chance: Around 55-70% is what I use, the higher you set it the more likely you are to shoot but the less you shoot on longer distances.
    Min Damage: Around 35-60 is what I use.
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting target selection to damage, and the priority hitbox to Head, and body aim hitbox to Center. Body aim if lethal, Ignore limbs if walking, Head aim if walking and Adaptive hitboxes are recommended. Body aim after 2-3 shots and if health under 40-60.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 50-70%
    Neck: 0%
    Chest: 40-70%
    Stomach: 40-70%
    Pelvis: 50-70%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 0%

  • Revolver:
    Hit Chance: 55-70% aswell.
    Min Damage: 35-60
    Auto Revolver: Always checked on.
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting target selection to damage, Priority hitbox to Head, Body aim hitbox to pelvis. Body aim if lethal, Head aim if walking, Ignore limbs if walking and Adaptive hitboxes are recommended. Body aim after 1-2 shots and if health under 40ish.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 45-75%
    Neck: 0%
    Chest: 40-70%
    Stomach: 40-70%
    Pelvis: 50-70%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 20-50%

  • SMGs:
    Hit Chance: 10-25%
    Minium Damage: 8-20
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting target selection to damage, Priority hitbox to Head, Body aim hitbox to center. Body aim if lethal, Ignore limbs if walking and Adaptive hitboxes are recommended. Body aim after 5 shots and if health under 15.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 50-60%
    Neck: 0%
    Chest: 55-70%
    Stomach: 55-70%
    Pelvis: 60-80%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 0%

  • Rifles:
    Hit Chance: 25-40%
    Minimum damage: 8-30
    HitBoxes: I recommend setting target selection to damage, Priority hitbox to Head, Body aim hitbox to pelvis. Body aim if lethal, Head aim if walking, Ignore Limbs if walking and Adaptive hitboxes are recommended. Body aim after4-6 shots and body aim if health under 15ish.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 50-70%
    Neck: 0%
    Chest: 35-60%
    Stomach: 45-65%
    Pelvis: 60-75%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 0%

  • Shot Guns:
    Hit Chance: 35-50%
    Minimum Damage: 25-40
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting target selection to damage, Priority hitbox to center, Body aim hitbox to center. Body aim if lethal, Ignore limbs if walking and Adaptive hitboxes are recommended. Body aim after 0 shots and if health under 40.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 30-50%
    Neck: 0%
    Chest: 40-70%
    Stomach: 40-70%
    Pelvis: 40-60%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 0%

  • Scout:
    Hit Chance: 65-80% (65-73% if you want to consistently jump scout)
    Minimum Damage: 65-85
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting target selection to damage, Priority hitbox to Head, Body aim hitbox to Center. Body aim if lethal, Head aim if walking and Adaptive hitboxes are recommended. Body aim after 2-3 shots and if health under 50-60.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 60-70%
    Neck: 0%
    Chest: 45-70%
    Stomach: 50-70%
    Pelvis: 30-50%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 0%

  • Auto Snipers:
    Hit chance: 45-70% (The lower the faster you shoot)Minimum Damage: 16-35
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting target selection to damage, Priority hitbox to Head, Body aim hitbox to Pelvis. Body aim if lethal, Head aim if walking, Ignore limbs if walking and Adaptive hitboxes are recommended. Body aim after 3-5 shots and body aim if health lower than 40-60.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 40-60%
    Neck: 10-20%
    Chest: 40-60%
    Stomach: 50-70%
    Pelvis: 20-40%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 15-40%

  • AWP:
    Hit Chance: 85-100%
    Minimum Damage: 90-100
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting target selection to Damage, Priority hitbox to Stomach, Body aim hitbox to Pelvis. Body aim if lethal and Adaptive hitboxes are recommended. I don't recommend setting any Body aim after X shots or under X health.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 35-55%
    Neck: 0%
    Chest: 60-80%
    Stomach: 60-80%
    Pelvis: 40-60%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 0%

  • Heavy:
    Hit Chance: 10-30%
    Minimum Damage: 20-30
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting target selection to Damage, Priority hitbox to center, Body aim hitbox to center. Body aim if lethal, Ignore limbs if walking and Adaptive hitboxes are recommended. Body aim after 5-8 shots and if health under 40.
    Hitbox Scalings:
    Head: 30-50%
    Neck: 0%
    Chest: 50-70%
    Stomach: 50-70%
    Pelvis: 60-75%
    Arms: 0%
    Legs: 0%

Now the Anti Aim:

  • Standing:
    Pitch: Emotion.
    Real Yaw: Static with no added tilt.
    Fake Yaw: Jitter or Static with 45-90o tilt added.
    Break LBY: Don't have Recommendations as it was added after my sub ran out.

  • Moving:
    Pitch: Emotion.
    Real Yaw: Static with no added tilt.
    Fake Yaw: Jitter with 60-90o tilt added.
    Break LBY: Don't have Recommendations as it was added after my sub ran out.

  • Edge:Pitch: Emotion.
    Real Yaw: Static with 90/-90o tilt added. Or use manual AA luas.
    Fake Yaw: Jitter or Static with 60-90o tilt added.
    Break LBY: Don't have Recommendations as it was added after my sub ran out.

  • At Targets: I recommend Closest.

  • Jitter Range: I recommend 40-60o

  • Spinbot Speed: I don't know what to recommend currently.

  • Switch Speed and Switch Range: I don't know what to recommend currently.

  • Fake Duck: Use a button located close to WASD.

  • Conditions:On Knife and On Dormant should be switched on.

  • Fake Walk: This was added after my sub ran out. But I recommend using the same button as your slow walk.

Now onto Onetap:

  • Aim Key: Don't recommend setting a key to the rage bot in HvH.

  • Silent Aim: Should always be checked on.

  • Team Check: Unless you are in a MM HvH I don't recommend using it.

  • Pitch Resolver: I recommend you check it on when in HvH games.

  • Exploit: I recommend using Break Lag Compensation with a Scout and Hide Shots with automatic weapons.

  • Pistols (doesn't include Deagle):
    Min Damage Visible: 10-25
    Min Damage Auto Wall: 8-15
    Health-Based Override and Damage Override Key: I don't use either so I don't recommend them.
    Hit Chance: 45-65% Again depends on how fast you want to shoot.
    Accuracy Boost: I recommend 50-65%
    Shot Delay: None
    Automatic Scope: Off
    Automatic Stop: I recommend having it On.
    Between Shots: I recommend having this On.
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting Priority to Damage. I recommend using Head, Upper chest, Body, Stomach and Pelvis and multipoint on all of them without static multipoint.
    Hitbox Override: Off
    Safe point: Off
    Max Misses: Off

  • Heavy Pistols (Revolver/Deagle):
    Min Damage Visible: 50-60
    Min Damage Auto Wall: 15-30
    Health-Based Override and Damage Override Key: I don't use either so I don't recommend them.
    Hit Chance: 55-70%
    Accuracy Boost: 80-90%
    Shot Delay: None
    Automatic Scope: Off
    Automatic Stop: I recommend having it On.
    Between Shots: I recommend having this On.
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting Priority to Damage. I recommend using Head, Upper chest, Body, Stomach and Pelvis and multipoint on all of them.
    Static Multipoint: On
    Static Point Safety: On
    Head Pointscale: 45-60%
    Body Pointscale: 55-70%
    Hitbox Override: Off
    Safe point: Off
    Max Misses: Off

  • SMGs:
    Min Damage Visible: 12-18
    Min Damage Auto Wall: 10-16
    Health-Based Override and Damage Override Key: I don't use either so I don't recommend them.
    Hit Chance: 30-45%
    Accuracy Boost: 30-55%
    Shot Delay: None
    Automatic Scope: Off
    Automatic Stop: I recommend having it On.
    Between Shots: Off
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting Priority to Damage. I recommend using Head, Upper chest, Stomach, Pelvis and Feet with multipoint on all of them except for feet.

  • Rifles:
    Min Damage Visible: 20-30
    Min Damage Auto Wall: 10-20
    Health-Based Override and Damage Override Key: I don't use either so I don't recommend them.
    Hit Chance: 35-60%
    Accuracy Boost: 50-60%
    Shot Delay: NoneAutomatic Scope: Off
    Automatic Stop: I recommend having it On.
    Between Shots: Off
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting Priority to Damage. I recommend using Head, Chest, Body, Stomach, Pelvis and Feet with multipoint on all of them.
    Static Multipoint: Off
    Hitbox Override: Off
    Safe point: Off
    Max Misses: Off

  • Heavy:
    Min Damage Visible: 10-20
    Min Damage Auto Wall: 10-15
    Health-Based Override and Damage Override Key: I don't use either so I don't recommend them.
    Hit Chance: 35-50%
    Accuracy Boost: 45-60%
    Shot Delay: None
    Automatic Scope: Off
    Automatic Stop: I recommend having it On.
    Between Shots: Off
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting Priority to Damage. I recommend using Head, Upper chest, Chest, Stomach and Pelvis with multipoint on all of them.
    Static Multipoint: Off
    Hitbox Override: Off
    Safe point: Off
    Max Misses: Off

  • Scout:
    Min Damage Visible: 80-110 (The higher the more head you will hit)
    Min Damage Auto Wall: 60-90
    Health-Based Override and Damage Override Key: I don't use either so I don't recommend them.
    Hit Chance: 70-90% (Lower for a more aggressive playstyle)
    Accuracy Boost: 80-90%
    Shot Delay: None
    Automatic Scope: On
    Automatic Stop: I recommend having it On.
    Between Shots: Off
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting Priority to Damage. I recommend using only Head, Chest and Pelvis with multipoint on all of them.
    Static Multipoint: Off
    Hitbox Override: Off
    Safe point: Off
    Max Misses: 1-2

  • Auto Snipers:
    Min Damage Visible: 30-60
    Min Damage Auto Wall: 20-45
    Health-Based Override and Damage Override Key: I don't use either so I don't recommend them.
    Hit Chance: 45-60%
    Accuracy Boost: 80-90%
    Shot Delay: None
    Automatic Scope: On
    Automatic Stop: I recommend having it On.
    Between Shots: On
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting Priority to Damage. I recommend using Head, Upper chest, Chest, Stomach, Pelvis and Feet with multipoint on all of them except for Pelvis.
    Static Multipoint: On
    Static Point Safety: On
    Head Point Scale: 45-65%
    Body Point Scale: 60-75%
    Hitbox Override: Off (Sometimes I have it on so I Body aim while slow walking)
    Safe point: Off
    Max Misses: 2-3

  • AWP:
    Min Damage Visible: 110-120
    Min Damage Auto Wall: 95-110
    Health-Based Override and Damage Override Key: I don't use either so I don't recommend them.
    Hit Chance: 90-100%
    Accuracy Boost: 80-90%
    Shot Delay: None
    Automatic Scope: On
    Automatic Stop: I recommend having it On.
    Between Shots: Off
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting Priority to Damage. I recommend using Head, Chest, Stomach and Pelvis with multipoint on all of them.
    Static Multipoint: On
    Static Point Safety: On
    Head Point Scale: 25-45% (Depends on how hard you want to Body aim)
    Body Point Scale: 70-80%
    Hitbox Override: Off
    Safe point: Off
    Max Misses: Off

  • Taser:
    Min Damage Visible: 95-100Min
    Damage Auto Wall: 90-100
    Health-Based Override and Damage Override Key: I don't use either so I don't recommend them.
    Hit Chance: 80-90%
    Shot Delay: None
    Automatic Scope: On
    Automatic Stop: I recommend having it On.
    Between Shots: On
    Hitboxes: I recommend setting Priority to Damage. I recommend using only Chest, Stomach and Pelvis with multipoint on all of them.
    Static Multipoint: Off
    Hitbox Override: Off
    Safe point: Off
    Max Misses: Off

Now onto the AA tab:

  • Disable Flags: I recommend using Freeze Time.

  • At Targets: I recommend having this On.

  • Auto Direction: I don't recommend using it cause its kinda retarded on OT.

  • Manual Anti Aim: I recommend having this on and using keys close to WASD to control your AA.

Fake Angles (Default Only):

  • Movement Type: This is just the menu to chose what movement type to cfg the rest of the process is the same for all types.

  • Fake Yaw: I recommend using static on all movement types as jitter is not too good on OT currently.

  • Body Lean: You can use any value here I recommend something between 45-60%.

  • Inverted Body Lean: You can use any value here, I recommend something between 60-80%.

  • Desync: This should be On for all movement types.

  • Inverter Key: I recommend using any key close to WASD.

Fake Lag:

  • Mode: I recommend using Adaptive.

  • Normal Limit: I recommend using something between 6-8 ticks.

  • Triggers: I recommend using In Air and On Peek.

  • Trigger Limit: I recommend using a higher tick limit something between 12 and 14 ticks.


  • Pitch: This only shows up when Anti-Untrusted is turned off in the config tab. Here I recommend using Down.

  • Fake Duck: I recommend keeping this on Hold and using a key close to WASD.

  • Slow Walk: I recommend keeping this on Hold and using the SHIFT key.

  • Slide: This is up to you, I don't use it so feel free to use it if you want.

  • Speed: I recommend a lower speed between 50-80 units per second.

So Finally we are at the end now. This took me a good amount of time so I hope you enjoyed the read and learned something and hopefully saved money by not buying configs from peoples sellys.

wyjaśnienia (na chłopski rozum) tych co nie ma tam:

Target priority -ustawia priorytet dla danego hitboxa np head -80 body 20 (co sprawia że cheat strzela częściej w dany hitbox a w inny mniej)

Accuracy boost customization - jak sama nazwa wskazuje to jest kustomizacja boosta do celności

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Powiadomienie o plikach cookie

Umieściliśmy na Twoim urządzeniu pliki cookie, aby pomóc Ci usprawnić przeglądanie strony. Możesz dostosować ustawienia plików cookie, w przeciwnym wypadku zakładamy, że wyrażasz na to zgodę. Regulamin. Polityka prywatności