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Posty opublikowane przez roberto4999

  1. = 1,1,1

    weapon.ak47.autowall = 1

    weapon.ak47.detection = 0.15,0.08,0.05

    weapon.ak47.bullet.control = 4,3,2

    weapon.ak47.humanize.trigger = 1

    weapon.ak47.smooth = 3,2,3

    weapon.ak47.fov.x = 40,30,35

    weapon.ak47.fov.y = 40,30,35 = 11,11,11

    weapon.ak47.hitbox.stand = 11,11,11 = 0

    weapon.ak47.hitbox.stand.height.correction = 0

    weapon.ak47.norecoil.mode = 0

    weapon.ak47.norecoil.inaimbot = 1

    weapon.ak47.norecoil.value = 7.8,7.8,7.8




    Te sety są nawet dobre ale powiem ci że szukam jeszcze lepszych

  2. WeaponESP ( jakos tak ) na 0 ustaw.

      niestety dalej to samo nic nie znikło ale za chęci daje +


    Daje cfg


    // AgN-Soft v PREMIUM





    // Delay between loading (either *.asi/forced) and memsearch.

    // Should now stay at 0, since it simply won't scan if there are uninitialized pointers.

    Delay = 0


    // For developers.

    // Enabling this gives some extra console messages.

    // "debug_*" commands will be also unlocked.

    // UNDONE: somewhat obsolete. use RegCommands

    Debug = 1


    // Enables registration of console commands. (debug_*)

    RegCommands = 1


    // as of v2.02

    // Enable/disable PanicKey.

    PanicKey = 1


    // Console command that will activate PanicKey.

    // It can be assigned to a key: bind <key> <specified command (fpt_pkey)>

    PanicKey_Command = fpt_pkey


    // as of v2.07

    // Determines whether the *.DLL should wait for all pointers to be initialized.

    // Can sometimes affect the scanning speed.

    WaitForInit = 1


    // Interval between the checks.

    WaitForInit_Threshold = 15


    // The rate at which WindowInfo should be updated.

    UpdateThreshold = 500




    // Whether to enable ESP or not.

    // Affects all types of ESP but BarrelESP and FarESP.

    Active = 1


    // "Initial" thickness of a box.

    Thickness = 3


    // Sets the step from which the thickness will decrease.

    // It occurs roughly at (Distance div ESP_ThicknessStep) pixels, though it also depends on a trace.

    // The thickness will never go lesser than 1.

    ThicknessStep = 650


    // Draws a colored dot (color depends on team)

    // Consider using it only for debugging.

    // It is called before any other ESP routines (excluding DrawVector).

    DrawDot = 0


    // ESP Mode.

    // You should now use MODE_FPT_1, unless there are problems.

    // Avaliable modes: MODE_FPT_2, MODE_FPT_1 and MODE_STATIc.

    Mode = MODE_FPT_1


    // DynESP X/Y box factors.

    DOffsetX = 1

    DOffsetY = 1.5


    // StaticESP box size.

    SOffsetX = 15

    SOffsetY = 25


    // "Initial" ESP Size.

    // The bigger the resolution, the bigger the value.

    // Presets:

    // - 1440x900: 10000

    // As of v2.07: Set this to "0" to let the *.DLL decide.

    Size = 10000


    // It is called "Chams", i think.

    CheckVisibleParts = 0


    // CVP Color.

    VisColorR = 50

    VisColorG = 255

    VisColorB = 50


    // ESP Box Type.

    // Types: BOX_DEFAULT (square), BOX_EXTENDED (somewhat different "crosshair" square), BOX_CROSSHAIR (crosshair)

    // BOX_CROSSHAIR is the fastest, and BOX_EXTENDED is the slowest, 4 times slower than BOX_CROSSHAIR.

    BoxType = BOX_EXTENDED


    // NameESP.

    NameESP = 0


    // WeaponESP.

    WeaponESP = 0


    // Sets the distance between the box and the name.

    // Only for NameESP/WeaponESP.

    NameOffset = 16


    // "Length" of the crosshair (if BoxType = BOX_EXTENDED)

    ExtLength = 4.5


    // FarESP.

    // WARNING: It won't work on some builds.

    // Don't know what is causing this.

    // If this didn't worked for you, contact me @ ICQ 289012

    // NOTE: Probably fixed in v2.05/v2.06.

    // NOTE: Fixed as of v2.07. Tested on Non-Steam 26p, Non-Steam 35p, p48 Non-Steam (Emulator) and Steam.

    FarESP = 0


    // FarESP square hold time.

    // 328 is the delay between steps on a flat ground.

    FarESPHoldTime = 328


    // Whether to interpolate the ESP or not.

    ESP_FarESPEnableInterp = 0


    // BarrelESP.

    // May flicker sometimes. Still working on it.

    ESP_DrawVector = 0


    // A fix for BoxESP, causing ESP to appear lower than expected.

    ESP_CheckHull = 0


    // Hull difference/2

    // Should now stay at "8".

    ESP_HullDiff = 8


    // as of v2.03

    // ESP would skip that much frames, but if the number is greater than 1, an extra frame will always be drawn

    // to prevent half-transparency bug.

    FrameSkip = 0


    // as of v2.04

    EntityESP = 1


    EntityESP_R = 255

    EntityESP_G = 255

    EntityESP_B = 255


    // as of v2.04-dev

    // Should now stay at 0, unless there are problems.

    FarESP_Debug = 0


    // as of v2.07

    EntityESP_Extended = 1



    // DEBUG goes here

    d = 0


    // impulse 100

    f = 0

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