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[Skrypt] Ntools

# CSH External VIP Project

Masz dosyć problemów z czynnikiem zaufania w CS2 lub notorycznymi banami?

Sprawdź CSH External VIP Project.

Więcej informacji  

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi






Minecraft 1.9 nie będze mieć oficjalnej wersji essentials  nie lepiej będzie wgrać wtedy Ntools ? ;d

Prosty skrypt w którym masz cały serwer od wiadomości powitalnej aż do konfiguracji dropu ! z autoaktulizacjami


/zapisz , /gzapisz - Zapis swiata oraz gildi.
/helpop - Wysyla wiadomosc do administracji.
/gm <1-2> - Ustawia Tryb gry
/msg - Prywatna wiadomosc do innego gracza.
/setspawn , /spawn - Komendy spawnu.
/chat on/off/clear - Komendy chatu.
/kick <gracz> <powod> - Wyrzucanie gracza z serwera
/list - Lista graczy na serwerze.
/sun /rain - Zmiana pogody."
/tp /tpall - Komendy Teleportacji.
/afk - Oznajmiasz ze nie ma cie przy komputerze.
/pig - ustawienia swiniarki.
/mute /unmute - Wyciszanie i odciszanie gracza.
/heal <grazcz> /feed <gracz> - Karmienie oraz leczenie.
/hat <blok> - Zakladasz blok na glowe.
/vanish - stajesz sie niewidzialny.
/drop - Sprawdzasz drop.
/home /sethome /delhome - Komendy domu.
/repair Naprawa przedmiotow.
/head - Otrzymujesz glowe gracza.
/god - Jestes niesmiertelny.
/czas - Ustawiasz dzien lub noc.
/broadcast - Wiadomosc Publiczna do kazdego gracza.
/tps - liczba tps serwera.
/speed - Ustawiasz szybkosc
/warp ,/delwarp ,/setwarp - warpy.
/strzelaj - strzelasz mobami xD.
/whois - wszystkie informacje o graczcu

/ban /tempban - banowanie

Co jeszcze posiada?: 

System AutoMessage , RandomTP , Stoniarki , Bicie max z 4 kratek , AntyPlugins. Wlasne motd fakeslots

Aktualizacje : 

Masz szczęście Ponieważ nie musisz zaglądać tu co chwilę skrypt aktualizuje się automatycznie .

Potrzebujesz: SkQuery , Skript , WildSkript




# #
# Nazwa: Ntools (NaciukanyTools) #
# Autor: Naciukany , #
# Wersja: 0.2v #
# #


# #
# Ustawienia DROPU! #
# #

    tag: &6* &5&lN&ftools&a2 &6*
    diamenty: 2.5
    zloto: 2.5
    zelazo: 6
    emerady: 0.25
    obsydian: 6
    wungiel: 8
    gunpowder: 0.85
    jablko: 4
    piasek: 4
    perelka: 0.05
    book: 1.9
    Mnoznik: 1
# #
# Motd przy slotach i fake sloty #
# #

    nazwaserwera: &9Ntools &7by &9Naciukany
    fakeslots: 1337
# #
# Wiadomości powitalne i motd na serweirze! #
# #
on join:
set join message to "&9%player% Dolacza do gry."
# Wejsciowe MOTD #
on join:
        send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
        send ""
        send "&c* &9Witaj: &6%player%"
        send ""
        send "&c* &9Online: &6%number of all players%"
        send ""
        send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
on quit:
set leave message to "&9%player% Wychodzi z gry."
# #
# Ustawienia CZATU! #
# #

{Chat.Format.1} = false
{Chat.Format.2} = false
{Chat.Format.3} = false
{Chat.Format.4} = true
{Chat.Format.5} = false
{Chat.Format.6} = false

on chat:
cancel event
if {Chat.Format.1} is true:
broadcast "&3❤&8&o%name of player%&3❤ ●&7%message%&3●"
cancel event
if {Chat.Format.2} is true:
broadcast "&3●&8&o%name of player%&3● ❤&7%message%&3❤"
cancel event
if {Chat.Format.3} is true:
broadcast "&3&8&o%name of player%&3 ●&7%message%&3●"
cancel event
if {Chat.Format.4} is true:
broadcast "&3●&8&o%name of player%&3● &7%message%&3"
cancel event
if {Chat.Format.5} is true:
broadcast "&3●&8&o%name of player%&3● ●&7%message%&3●"
cancel event
if {Chat.Format.6} is true:
broadcast "&3❤&8&o%name of player%&3❤ ❤&7%message%&3❤"
cancel event
# Zapis Swiata i gildi. (funnyguilds) #

command /zapisz:
    permission: Ntools.zapis
        broadcast "{@tag} &9Zapisywanie swiata..."
        wait 2 seconds
        execute console command "save-all"
        broadcast "{@tag} &9Zapisywanie swiata zakonczone!"
every 5 minutes:
    broadcast "{@tag} &9Zapisywanie swiata..."
    wait 2 seconds
    execute console command "save-all"
    broadcast "{@tag} &9Zapisywanie swiata zakonczone!"
command /gzapisz:
    permission: Ntools.zapis
        broadcast "{@tag} &9Zapisywanie gildii..."
        wait 2 seconds
        execute console command "funnyguilds save-all"
        broadcast "{@tag} &9Zapisywanie dildii zakonczone!"
every 5 minutes:
    broadcast "{@tag} &9Zapisywanie gildii..."
    wait 2 seconds
    execute console command "funnyguilds save-all"
    broadcast "{@tag} &9Zapisywanie gildii zakonczone!"

# Helpop wiadomosc do administracji #
spamhelpop: 1
command /helpop [<text>]:
if arg 1 is set:
send "{@tag} &9HelpOP &c%player%: &f%arg%" to all ops
send "{@tag} &7Twoja wiadomosc zostala wyslana na helpop." to player
set {helpop.%player%} to false
wait {@spamhelpop} minute
set {helpop.%player%} to true
if arg 1 is not set:
send "{@tag} &8Prawidlowe uzycie /helpop <wiadomosc>"

on command "/helpop":
if {helpop.%player%} is false:
cancel event
send "{@tag} &cNa helpop mozna pisac co 1 minute."
# Gamemode Tryby gry! #

command /gm <integer> [<player>]:
if player has permission "":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 1 is 1:
set the gamemode of argument 2 to creative
send "{@tag} &c%player% &9zmienil twoj tryb gry na &7(Creative)." to arg 2
send "{@tag} &9Zminiels tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &9na &7(Creative)."
if arg 1 is 0:
set the gamemode of argument 2 to survival
send "{@tag} &c%player% &9zmienil twoj tryb gry na &7(Survival)." to arg 2
send "{@tag} &9Zminiels tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &9na &7(Survival)."
if arg 1 is 2:
set the gamemode of argument 2 to adventure
send "{@tag} &c%player% &9zmienil twoj tryb gry na &7(Adventure)." to arg 2
send "{@tag} &9Zminiels tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &9na &7(Adventure)."
if arg 1 is 1:
set the gamemode of the player to creative
send "{@tag} &9Zmeniles swoj tryb gry na &7(Creative)."
if arg 1 is 0:
set the gamemode of the player to survival
send "{@tag} &9Zmeniles swoj tryb gry na &7(Sruvival)."
if arg 1 is 2:
set the gamemode of the player to adventure
send "{@tag} &9Zmeniles swoj tryb gry na &7(Adventure)."
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8( "
# Clear itemow z ziemi#

every 3 minutes:
    broadcast "{@tag} &7Pozostawione przedmioty zostana usuniete za &910 &7sekund!"
    wait 10 seconds
    execute console command "remove item 99999999"
    broadcast "{@tag} &aPrzedmioty zostaly usuniete!"

# Prywatne wiadomoscic#

command /r [<text>]:
if { of player%} is set:
if arg 1 is set:
send "&9%player% &e-> &f: &7%arg 1%" to { of player%}
send "&9%{ of player%}% &e<- &f: &7%arg 1%"
send "&c&lMuszisz podac wiadmosc !"
send "&c&lNie pisales z nikim wczesniej!"

command /msg [<player>] [<text>]:
if arg 1 is set:
if arg player is online:
if arg 2 is set:
if player has permission "*":
send "&9%player% &e-> &f: &7%arg 2%" to arg 1
send "&9%arg 1% &e<- &f: &7%arg 2%"
set { of player%} to arg 1
send "&9%player% &e-> &f: &7%arg 2%" to arg 1
send "&9%arg 1% &e-< &f: &7%arg 2%"
set { of player%} to arg 1
send "&c&lMuszisz podac wiadmosc !"
send "&c&lNie ma takiego gracza online!"
send "&C&lMusisz podac nick gracza!"
# Do czatu informacje #

{chat} = true

command /chat [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&6-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "
send "&6/chat on &7- wlacza chat"
send "&6/chat off &7- wylacza chat"
send "&6/chat clear &7- czysci chat"
send " "
send "&6-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "
if {chat} is false:
if player has permission "":
set {chat} to true
broadcast ""
broadcast " {@tag}"
broadcast "&7Chat zostal &aWlaczony"
broadcast ""
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8("
send "&7Chat jest juz &aWlaczony"
if arg 1 is "off":
if {chat} is true:
if player has permission "":
set {chat} to false
broadcast ""
broadcast " {@tag}"
broadcast "&7Chat zostal &4Wylaczony"
broadcast ""
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8("
send "&7Chat jest juz &aWylaczony"
if arg 1 is "clear":
if player has permission "Ntools.clear":
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
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broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast ""
broadcast "{@tag} &Cchat zozstal wyczyszczony przez: %player%."
broadcast " &cIlosc TPS: &a%tps% "
broadcast ""
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.clear)"
on chat:
if {chat} is false:
if player has permission "Ntools.bezBlokady":
cancel event
send "&7Chat jest aktualnie &aWylaczony!"
if player has permission "Ntools.Bez.":
set {_waited} to difference between {Ntools.%player%.spam} and now
if {_waited} is less than 3 real seconds seconds:
send "&7Nastepna&a wiadomosc&7 bedziesz mogl wyslac za &c3 sekundy"
cancel event
set {Ntools.%player%.spam} to now
on chat:
replace all "ku**a" with "k***a" in the message
replace all "ch*j" with "c**j" in the message
replace all "pi*******y" with "p********y" in the message
replace all "pedal" with "p***l" in the message
replace all "gej" with "g*j" in the message
replace all "suka" with "s**a" in the message
replace all "ci*a" with "c**a" in the message
replace all "du*a" with "d**a" in the message
replace all "pi*******a" with "pi*******a" in the message
replace all "pojebalo" with "p*****lo" in the message
replace all "zajebe cie" with "z****e cie" in the message
replace all "debil" with "d***l" in the message
on chat:
if player is not op:
replace all "A" with "a" in the message
replace all "B" with "b" in the message
replace all "C" with "c" in the message
replace all "D" with "d" in the message
replace all "E" with "e" in the message
replace all "F" with "f" in the message
replace all "G" with "g" in the message
replace all "H" with "h" in the message
replace all "I" with "i" in the message
replace all "J" with "j" in the message
replace all "K" with "k" in the message
replace all "L" with "l" in the message
replace all "M" with "m" in the message
replace all "N" with "n" in the message
replace all "O" with "o" in the message
replace all "P" with "p" in the message
replace all "R" with "r" in the message
replace all "S" with "s" in the message
replace all "T" with "t" in the message
replace all "U" with "u" in the message
replace all "W" with "w" in the message
replace all "Y" with "y" in the message
replace all "Z" with "z" in the message
on chat:
replace all "wbijac na moj server" with "localhost" in the message
replace all "IP mojego servera" with "localhost" in the message
replace all "zapraszam na moj server" with "localhost" in the message
replace all "zapraszam na server mojego kolegi" with "localhost" in the message
replace all "moj server IP:" with "localhost" in the message

# Ustawiania Spawnu #

command /setspawn:
if player has permission "Ntools.setspawn":
set {Ntools.spawn} to location of player
send "{@tag} &7Ustawiono spawn!"
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.setspawn)"

command /spawn:
if player has permission "Ntools.spawn":
if {Ntools.spawn} is set:
if {cooldown} is false:
teleport player to {Ntools.spawn}
send "{@tag} &7Teleportacja!"
set {_pos} to location of player
send "{@tag}&7Czekaj &65 sekund&7, nie wolno Ci sie ruszyc!"
if {_pos} isn't location of player:
send "{@tag}&cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
wait 1 second
if {_pos} isn't location of player:
send "{@tag}&cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
wait 1 second
if {_pos} isn't location of player:
send "{@tag}&cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
wait 1 second
if {_pos} isn't location of player:
send "{@tag}&cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
wait 1 second
if {_pos} isn't location of player:
send "{@tag}&cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
wait 1 second
if {_pos} is location of player:
teleport player to {Ntools.spawn}
send "{@tag}&7Teleportacja..."
send "{@tag}&cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
send "{@tag} &cSpawn nie zostal ustawiony skontaktuj sie z administratorem!"
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.spawn)"
on respawn:
    wait 1 tick
    teleport player to {Ntools.spawn}
# List all players:#

command /list:
        send "&9-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
        send "&7Online : &9%number of all players%"
        send "&7Gracze: &9%all players%"
        send "&9-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
# Pogoda #

command /sun:
    aliases: slonce
        if player has permission "Ntools.sun":
            set the weather in the player's world to sun
            send "{@tag} &9Ustawiles pogode w swiecie &c%player's world% &9 na &csloneczna!"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.sun)"
command /rain:
    aliases: deszcz
        if player has permission "Ntools.rain":
            set the weather in the player's world to rain
            send "{@tag} &9Ustawiles pogode w swiecie &c%player's world% &9 na &6deszczowa!"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.rain)"
# Teleportaccja #

command /tp [<player>] [<player>]:
        if player has permission "":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    teleport player to argument 1
                    send "{@tag} &9Przeteleportowales sie do gracza &c%arg 1%"
                    send "{@tag} &c%player% &9przeteleportowal sie do ciebie!" to argument 1
            if arg 1 is player:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    teleport player to argument 2
                    send "{@tag} &9Przeteleportowales sie do gracza &c%arg 2%"
                    send "{@tag} &c%player% 9bprzeteleportowal sie do ciebie!" to argument 2
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 2 is player:
                    teleport argument 1 to the player
                    send "{@tag} &9Przeteleportowales gracza &c%arg 1%&b do siebie!"
                    send "{@tag} &c%player% &9przeteleportowal cie do siebie!" to argument 1
            if arg 1 is set:
                if arg 2 is set:
                    teleport argument 1 to argument 2
                    send "{@tag} &9Przeteleportowales gracza &c%arg 1%&b do &c%arg 2%!"
                    send "{@tag} &c%player% &9przeteleportowal gracza &c%arg 1%&b do ciebie!" to argument 2
                    send "{@tag} &c%player% &9przeteleportowal gracza &c%arg 2%&b do ciebie!" to argument 1
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8("
command /tpall:
        if player has permission "Ntools.tpall":
            teleport all players to the player
            broadcast "{@tag} &cAdministrator &c%player% &9przteleportowal wszystkich do siebie!"
# Dodatki #

command /afk:
        if player has permission "Ntools.afk":
            if {afk.%player%} is not set:
                set {afk.%player%} to true
                send "{@tag} &9Wlaczono komende afk!"
            if {afk.%player%} is true:                    
                set {afk.%player%} to false
                broadcast "<yellow>%player% <pink>jest teraz &fAFK"
            if {afk.%player%} is false:
                set {afk.%player%} to true
                broadcast "<yellow>%player% <pink>juz nie jest &fAFK"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.afk)"

command /mute [<player>]:
        if player has permission "Ntools.mute":
            if arg 1 is set:
                set {mute.%argument 1%} to true
                send "{@tag} &9Zostales wyciszony" to argument 1
                send "{@tag} &9Wyciszyles gracza &6%arg 1%"
                send "{@tag} &9Podaj nick gracza!"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.mute)"

command /unmute [<player>]:
        if player has permission "Ntools.unmute":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if {mute.%argument 1%} is true:
                    set {mute.%argument 1%} to false
                    send "{@tag} &9Znow mozesz mowic" to argument 1
                    send "{@tag} &9Ten Gracz nie jest wyciszony!"
                send "{@tag} &9Podaj gracza!"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.unmute)"
# AntyGrifering #

command /? [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /bukkit:w [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /bukkit:msg [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /bukkit:tell [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /bukkit:ver [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /bukkit:help [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /bukkit:about [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /bukkit:? [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /bukkit:plugins [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /bukkit:pl [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
command /plugins [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&fPlugins (&a1&f): &6%script%"
command /bukkit:me [<text>]:
        execute command "/playsound random.door_open %name of player%"
        send "&4Blad: &cnie masz uprawnienia."
# AntyBoty #

on connect:
if {gracz::%player%} is set:
kick player due to "&6[ &cAntyBot &6] &7Aby zagrac wbij ponownie na serwer."
set {gracz::%player%} to now
#Reload serwera#

command /sreload:
        send "{@tag} &cPrzeladowanie serwera za 5 sekund."
        wait 5 second
        make player execute command "sk reload all"
        wait 10 second
        send "{@tag} &9Pomyslnie przeladowano caly serwer"

# command of kick players #

command /kick [<player>] [<text>]:
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 2 is set:
if player has permission "Ntools.kick":
if argument 1 has permission "essentialsskript.kick":
send "{@tag} &cNie mozesz wyrzucic tego gracza!"
kick the argument 1 due to "%arg 2%"
broadcast "{@tag} &9Gracz &c%arg 1% &9zostal wyrzucony za &c%arg 2%"
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.kick)}"
send "{@tag} &cPodaj powod!"
send "{@tag} &cPodaj nick gracza!"
# Heal and feed #

command /heal [<player>]:
aliases: ulecz
if arg 1 is not set:
if player's health is not 10:
if player has permission "Ntools.heal":
set the player's food level to 10
heal the player by 10 hearts
send "{@tag} &aUleczono!"
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.heal)"
send "{@tag} &cTwoje zycie jest pelne!"
if arg 1 is set:
if argument's health is not 10:
if player has permission "Ntools.heal":
set the argument's food level to 10
heal the argument by 10 hearts
send "{@tag} &bUleczono!" to arg 1
send "{@tag} &bUleczono gracza &c%arg 1%"
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.heal)"
send "{@tag} &cZycie tego gracza jest pelne!"

command /feed [<player>]:
aliases: nakarm
if arg 1 is not set:
if player's food level is not 10:
if player has permission "Ntools.feed":
set the player's food level to 10
send "{@tag} &bNakarmiono!"
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.feed)"
send "{@tag} &cTwoj glod jest pelny!"
if arg 1 is set:
if argument's food level is not 10:
if player has permission "Ntools.feed":
set the argument's food level to 10
send "{@tag} &bNakarmiono!" to arg 1
send "{@tag} &bNakarmiono gracza &c%arg 1%"
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.feed)"
send "{@tag} &cGlod tego gracza jest pelny!"

# hat #

command /hat <material>:
aliases: czapka
if player has permission "Ntools.hat":
if arg 1 is set:
if id of argument 1 is greater than 255:
send "{@tag} &cNie mozesz zalozyc tego itemku tylko bloki!"
if helmet slot of the player is not empty:
send "{@tag} &cNajpierw zdejmij przedmiot z glowy!"
set helmet of the player to argument
send "{@tag} &bCiesz sie nowym kapeluszem!"
send "{@tag} &cWybierz id bloku!"
send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.hat)"

# Nie Dotykaj bo nie bd dzialac caly sk 0o0#

on skript start:
send "&8Serwer pracuje na wersji: %skript version%" to the console
send "" to the console
send "&8--------------------------------------------------------------" to the console
send "&8| |" to the console
send "&8| Odpalono &9Ntools |" to the console
send "&8| |" to the console
send "&8--------------------------------------------------------------" to the console
send "" to the console
send "&8Autor: &aNaciukany" to the console
send "&8Najnowsza" to the console
send "" to the console
# vanish #

command /vanish [<text>]:
    permission message: &4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.vanish)
    permission: Ntools.vanish
        if {Vanish::%player%} is true:
            send "{@tag}&f&lWylaczyles Niewidzialnosc."
            reveal player to all players
            set tag of player to "&f"
            set {Vanish::%player%} to false
            set {Vanish::%player%} to true
            send "{@tag} &f&lWlaczyles Niewidzialnosc."
            loop all players:
                if loop-player doesn't have permission "Ntools.vanish.see":
                    hide player for loop-player
            set tag of player to "&4[NieWidacGo] &f"
on join:
    reveal player to all players
    set {Vanish::%player%} to false
    set tag of player to "&f"
on join:
    wait 1 tick
    loop all players:
        if loop-player has permission "Ntools.vanish":
            reveal loop-player to player
# Drop #

on mine of stone:
add 1 to {scoreboard::stone::%player%}
chance of {@diamenty}%:
give {@Mnoznik} diamond to player
add 1 to {scoreboard::diaxy::%player%}
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &b&lDiament! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@zloto}%:
give {@Mnoznik} gold ingot to player
add 1 to {scoreboard::zloto::%player%}
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &e&lZloto! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@zelazo}%:
give {@Mnoznik} iron ingot to player
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &f&lZelazo! &7 [ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@emerady}%:
give {@Mnoznik} emerald to player
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &a&lEmeralda ! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@obsydian}%:
give {@Mnoznik} obsidian to player
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &1&lObsydian ! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@wungiel}%:
give {@Mnoznik} coal to player
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &0&lWegiel ! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@gunpowder}%:
give {@Mnoznik} gunpowder to player
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &8&lProszek ! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@jablko}%:
give {@Mnoznik} apple to player
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &4&lJablko ! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@piasek}%:
give {@Mnoznik} sand to player
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &e&lPiasek ! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@perelka}%:
give {@Mnoznik} ender pearl to player
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &c&lPerelke ! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"

chance of {@book}%:
give {@Mnoznik} Book to player
send "{@tag} &7Gratulacje trafiles na: &9&lKsiazke ! &7[ x{@Mnoznik} ]"
command /drop:
        open chest with 4 rows named "&7Drop Uzytkownika: &6%player%" to player
        wait 2 ticks
        format slot 0 of player with 1 of diamond named "&e&lDiamenty" with lore "&7Procent &c{@diamenty}" to close
        format slot 1 of player with 1 of gold ingot named "&e&lZloto" with lore "&7Procent &c{@zloto}" to close
        format slot 2 of player with 1 of Iron Ingot named "&e&lZelazo" with lore "&7Procent &c{@zelazo}" to close
        format slot 3 of player with 1 of emerald named "&e&lSzmaragdy" with lore "&7Procent &c{@emerady}" to close
        format slot 4 of player with 1 of obsidian named "&e&lObsydian" with lore "&7Procent &c{@obsydian}" to close
        format slot 5 of player with 1 of coal named "&e&lWegiel" with lore "&7Procent &c{@wungiel}" to close
        format slot 6 of player with 1 of gunpowder named "&e&lProszek" with lore "&7Procent &c{@gunpowder}" to close
        format slot 7 of player with 1 of apple named "&e&lJablko" with lore "&7Procent &c{@jablko}" to close
        format slot 8 of player with 1 of sand named "&e&lPiasek" with lore "&7Procent &c{@piasek}" to close
        format slot 9 of player with 1 of ender pearl named "&e&lPerly" with lore "&7Procent &c{@perelka}" to close
        format slot 10 of player with 1 of Book named "&e&lKsiazki" with lore "&7Procent &c{@book}." to close
        format slot 22 of player with {@Mnoznik} of Bedrock named "&c&l>> Drop x&4 {@Mnoznik}" with lore "&7Ilosc wypadanych itemow" to close
# Stoniarki#

on script load:
register new shaped recipe for emerald ore named "&aMagiczna stoniarka" using stone, stone, stone, stone, emerald, stone, stone, stone, stone
on place of emerald ore:
if name of the player's tool is "&aMagiczna stoniarka":
send "&7Postawiles: &aMagiczna stoniarke"
set {s.%event-block%} to true
wait 1 second
set event-block to stone
on break of stone:
if {s.%event-block%} is true:
if player is holding gold pickaxe:
cancel event
send "&7Zniszczyles: &aMagiczna stoniarke"
set event-block to air
if player can hold 1 emerald ore named "&aMagiczna stoniarka":
give 1 emerald ore named "&aMagiczna stoniarka" to the player
drop 1 emerald ore named "&aMagiczna stoniarka"
wait 1 second
set event-block to stone

# Sprawdzanie ip graczy oraz poczatki .yml#

on script load:
if folder "plugins/Ntools/Beta" doesn't exists:
create folder "plugins/Ntools/Beta"
if file "plugins/Ntools/Beta/config.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/Ntools/Beta/config.yml"

on first join:
set {ip:%player%} to player's ip
wf "'Adres xD: '%player%' '%{ip:%player%}%'" to "plugins/Ntools/Beta/config.yml"
on join:
{ip:%player%} is not set:
set {ip:%player%} to player's ip
wf "Ntools (BETA): Gracz: %player% Jego Adress IP: %{ip:%player%}%'" to "plugins/Ntools/Beta/config.yml"

# Ustawianie domu #

command /sethome:
    aliases: ustawdom
        if player has permission "Ntools.sethome":
            set {Ntools.%player%.home} to location of player
            send "{@tag} &bUstawiono home!"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.sethome)"
command /home:
    aliases: dom
        if player has permission "Ntools.home":
            if {Ntools.%player%.home} is set:
                if {cooldown} is false:
                    teleport player to {Ntools.%player%.home}
                    send "{@tag} &aTeleportacja!"
                    set {_pos} to location of player
                    send "{@tag} &7Czekaj &65 sekund&7, nie wolno Ci sie ruszyc!"
                    if {_pos} isn't location of player:
                        send "{@tag} &cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
                    wait 1 second
                    if {_pos} isn't location of player:
                        send "{@tag} &cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
                    wait 1 second
                    if {_pos} isn't location of player:
                        send "{@tag} &cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
                    wait 1 second
                    if {_pos} isn't location of player:
                        send "{@tag} &cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
                    wait 1 second
                    if {_pos} isn't location of player:
                        send "{@tag} &cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
                    wait 1 second
                    if {_pos} is location of player:
                        teleport player to {Ntools.%player%.home}
                        send "{@tag} &bTeleportacja..."
                        send "{@tag} &cWykryto ruch, teleportacja anulowana!"
                send "{@tag} &cHome nie zostal ustawiony skontaktuj sie z administratorem!"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.home)"
command /delhome:
        if player has permission "Ntools.delhome":
            if {Ntools.%player%.home} is set:
                delete {Ntools.%player%.home}
                send "{@tag} &bUsunieto home!"
                send "{@tag} &cNie masz domu!"
            display "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.delhome)" on bossbar with 100 percent by 1 seconds for player
# Anty skrypty.#

on damage of player:
    attacker is a player
    victim is a player
    set {_A::%attacker%} to location of attacker
    set {_V::%victim%} to location of victim
    if attacker's tool is bow:
        if distance between {_A::%attacker%} and {_V::%victim%} is bigger than 4:
            cancel event
# Automatyczne Wiadomoscy wysylane do gracza.#

every 60 real seconds:
{auto.spam} is not set:
set {auto.spam} to 1
{auto.spam} is 1:
broadcast "{@tag} &7Serwer posiada &6Ntools&a2 &7by &9Naciukany"
set {auto.spam} to 2
{auto.spam} is 2:
broadcast "{@tag} &7Komendy Ntools pod &c/Ntools"
set {auto.spam} to 3
{auto.spam} is 3:
broadcast "{@tag} &7Strzelaj mobami &6/strzelaj &c<mob>"
set {auto.spam} to 4
{auto.spam} is 4:
broadcast "{@tag} &7Wersja Ntools to: &c0.2A"
set {auto.spam} to 5
{auto.spam} is 5:
broadcast "{@tag} &7Wprowadzilismy Anty skrypty teraz bic mozna max z 4 kratek."
set {auto.spam} to 1

# Ntools - wysylanie pomocy dla gracza #

command /Ntools:
    aliases: naciukany , NaciukTools
        send "&7-------{@tag}&7-------"
        send "&6/g 1 ,/g 2 &7-Komendy gildi."
        send "&6/zapisz , /gzapisz &7- Zapis swiata oraz gildi."
        send "&6/helpop &7- Wysyla wiadomosc do administracji."
        send "&6/gm &c<1-2> &7- Ustawia Tryb gry"
        send "&6/msg &7- Prywatna wiadomosc do innego gracza."
        send "&6/setspawn , /spawn &7- Komendy spawnu."
        send "&6/chat on/off/clear &7- Komendy chatu."
        send "&6/kick <gracz> <powod> &7- Wyrzucanie gracza z serwera"
        send "&6/list &7- Lista graczy na serwerze."
        send "&6/sun /rain &7- Zmiana pogody."
        send "&6/tp /tpall &7- Komendy Teleportacji."
        send "&6/afk &7- Oznajmiasz ze nie ma cie przy komputerze."
        send "&6/pig &7- ustawienia swiniarki."
        send "&6/mute /unmute &7- Wyciszanie i odciszanie gracza."
        send "&6/heal &c<grazcz> &6/feed &c<gracz> &7- Karmienie oraz leczenie."
        send "&6/hat &c<blok> &7- Zakladasz blok na glowe."
        send "&6/vanish &7- stajesz sie niewidzialny."
        send "&6/drop &7- Sprawdzasz drop."
        send "&6/home /sethome /delhome &7- Komendy domu."
        send "&6/repair &7Naprawa przedmiotow."
        send "&6/head &7- Otrzymujesz glowe gracza."
        send "&6/god &7- Jestes niesmiertelny."
        send "&6/czas &7- Ustawiasz dzien lub noc."
        send "&6/broadcast &7- Wiadomosc Publiczna do kazdego gracza."
        send "&6/tps &7- liczba tps serwera."
        send "&6/speed &7- Ustawiasz szybkosc"
        send "&5/warp ,/delwarp ,/setwarp &7- warpy."
        send "&6/strzelaj &7- strzelasz mobami xD."
# Gods of players #

command /Ntools:god [<player>]:
    description: Ntools > Wlaczanie|Wylaczanie niesmiertelnosci.
    executable by: players
    aliases: god
        if player has permission "Ntools.god":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                if {Ntools::god::%player%} is true:
                    set {Ntools::god::%player%} to false
                    send "{@tag} &9Niesmiertelnosc: &cWYLACZONA&7."
                    set {Ntools::god::%player%} to true
                    send "{@tag} &9Niesmiertelnosc: &aWLACZONA&7."
                if player has permission "Ntools.god.others":
                    if {Ntools::god::%arg 1%} is true:
                        set {Ntools::god::%arg 1%} to false
                        send "{@tag} &9Niesmiertelnosc gracza: &6%arg 1%&7: &cWYLACZONA&7."
                        set {Ntools::god::%arg 1%} to true
                        send "{@tag} &9Niesmiertelnosc gracza: &6%arg 1%&7: &aWLACZONA&7."
                    send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.Ntools.god.others)"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.god)"

# kolejne dodatki #

command /Ntools:repair [<text="brak">]:
    description: Ntools » Naprawianie wytrzymalosci przedmiotow.
    executable by: players
    aliases: repair, fix
        if player has permission "":
            if arg 1 is not "hand" or "all":
                send "{@tag} &9> &7Uzyj: &6/repair <hand&7|&6all>"
            if arg 1 is "hand":
                repair player's tool
                send "{@tag} &7Naprawiono: &6%player's tool%&7."
            if arg 1 is "all":
                repair all items in player's inventory
                send "{@tag} &7Naprawiono: &6all&7."
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8("
command /Ntools:head [<offlineplayer>]:
    description: Ntools » Otrzymywanie glowy danego gracza.
    executable by: players
    aliases: head, skull
        if player has permission "Ntools.head":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                give player's skull to player
                send "{@tag} &7Przywolano glowe gracza: &6%player%&7."
                give arg 1's skull to player
                send "&{@tag} &7Przywolano glowe gracza: &6%arg 1%&7."
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.head)"

# time all commends #

command /Ntools:czas [<text="brak">]:
    description: Ntools » Ustawianie czasu na swiecie.
    executable by: players
    aliases: czas, NaciukanyTools:czas, Ntools:time
        if player has permission "Ntools.czas":
            if arg 1 is not "day" or "night":
                send "{@tag} &9Uzyj: &6/czas <day&7|&6night>"
            if arg 1 is "night":
                set world's time to 22:00
                send "{@tag} &9Zmieniono czas na: &622:00&7."
            if arg 1 is "day":
                set world's time to 6:00
                send "{@tag} &9Zmieniono czas na: &66:00&7."
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.czas)"

# broadcast commands #

command /Ntools:broadcast [<text>]:
    description: Ntools » Ogloszenie.
    executable by: players
    aliases: broadcast, bc, say, Ntools:say
        if player has permission "Ntools.broadcast":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@tag} &7Uzyj: &6/broadcast <tekst>"
                broadcast "&7[ &6BROADCAST &7] &6%colored arg 1%"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.broadcast)"
# tps or players #

command /Ntools:tps:
    description: Ntools » Liczba TPS serwera.
    executable by: players
    aliases: tps
        if player has permission "Ntools.tps":
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
            send ""
            send "&f&lTPS: &a&l%tps%&f&l."
            send ""
            send "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.tps)"
# speed commands ! #

command /Ntools:speed [<integer>] [<player>]:
    description: Ntools » Szybkosc latania|chodzenia.
    executable by: players
    aliases: speed, speedwalk, walkspeed, flyspeed
        if player has permission "Ntools.speed":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@tag} &7Uzyj: &6/speed <szybkosc> [gracz]"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    if arg 1 is not 1:
                        set player's walk speed to arg 1
                        set player's fly speed to arg 1
                        send "{@tag} &7Ustawiono szybkosc gracza: &6%player% &7na: &6%arg 1%&7."
                        reset player's walk speed
                        reset player's fly speed
                        send "{@tag} &7Ustawiono szybkosc gracza: &6%player% &7na: &6%arg 1%&7."
                    if player has permission "Ntools.speed.others":
                        if arg 1 is not 1:
                            set arg 2's walk speed to arg 1
                            set arg 2's fly speed to arg 1
                            send "{@tag} &7Ustawiono szybkosc gracza: &6%arg 1% &7na: &6%arg 1%&7."
                            reset arg 2's walk speed
                            reset arg 2's fly speed
                            send "{@tag} &7Ustawiono szybkosc gracza: &6%arg 1% &7na: &6%arg 1%&7."
                        send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.speed.others)"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.speed)"

# warps commands #

command /Ntools:delwarp [<text>]:
    description: Ntool » Usuwanie warpu.
    executable by: players
    aliases: delwarp, deletewarp, remwarp, removewarp
        if player has permission "Ntool.delwarp":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@tag} &7Uzyj: &6/delwarp <tekst>"
                if {Ntool::warp::%arg 1%} is set:
                    delete {Ntool::warp::%arg 1%}
                    remove arg 1 from {Ntool::warps::*}
                    send "{@tag} &7Usunieto warp: &6%arg 1%&7."
                    send "{@tag} &7Nie znaleziono takiego warpa."
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.delwarp)"
command /Ntool:setwarp [<text>]:
    description: Ntool » Ustawianie warpu.
    executable by: players
    aliases: setwarp, createwarp, crewarp
        if player has permission "Ntool.setwarp":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@tag} &7Uzyj: &6/setwarp <tekst>"
                set {Ntool::warp::%arg 1%} to location of player
                remove arg 1 from {Ntool::warps::*}
                add arg 1 to {Ntool::warps::*}
                send "{@tag} &7Ustawiono warp: &6%arg 1%&7."
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.setwarp)"
command /Ntool:warp [<text>]:
    description: Ntool» Teleportacja do warpu.
    executable by: players
    aliases: warp
        if player has permission "Ntool.warp":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if {Ntool::warp::%arg 1%} is set:
                    if player doesn't have permission "Ntool.warp.exempt":
                        set {_} to single value "numbers.teleport" get of "plugins/Ntools/warpy.yml"
                        set {_x.%player%} to x-location of player
                        set {_z.%player%} to z-location of player
                        set {_y.%player%} to y-location of player
                        send "&{@tag} &7Teleportacja do na warp &6%arg 1% &7za &6%{_}% sek&7. Nie mozesz sie ruszac."
                        loop {_} times:
                            if difference between x-location of player and {_x.%player%} is bigger than 0.5:
                                send "{@tag} &7Ruszyles sie, teleportacja zostala przerwana."
                            if difference between z-location of player and {_z.%player%} is bigger than 0.5:
                                send "{@tag} &7Ruszyles sie, teleportacja zostala przerwana."
                            if difference between y-location of player and {_y.%player%} is bigger than 0.5:
                                send "{@tag} &7Ruszyles sie, teleportacja zostala przerwana."
                            remove 1 from {_}
                            if {_} is 0:
                                teleport player to {Ntool::warp::%arg 1%}
                                send "{@tag} &7Zostales przeniesiony do warpu: &6%arg 1%&7."
                            wait 1 second
                        teleport player to {Ntool::warp::%arg 1%}
                        send "{@tag} &7Zostales przeniesiony do warpu: &6%arg 1%&7."
                    send "{@tag} &7Warp: &6%arg 1% &7nie zostal ustawiony."
                send "{@tag} &7Uzyj: &6/warp <tekst>"
                if player has permission "Ntool.warp.list":
                    if {Ntool::warps::*} is set:
                        send "{@tag} &7Warpy: &a%{Ntool::warps::*}%"
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.warp)"

# mobs off strzelanie xD #

command /Ntools:strzelaj [<entity type>]:
    description: Ntools » Strzelanie mobami.
    executable by: players
    aliases: strzelaj, shoot, shot
        if player has permission "nBase.strzelanie":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@tag} &7Uzyj: &6/strzelaj <mob>"
                shoot arg-1 at speed 5.1
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.strzelanie)"
# dodatki kolejne no no #

command /Ntools:whois [<player>]:
    description: nBase » Sprawdzanie informacji o danym graczus.
    executable by: players
    aliases: whois
        if player has permission "Ntools.whois":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "{@tag} &7Uzyj: &6/whois <gracz>"
                set {_} to {Ntools::god::%arg 1%}
                {_} is "true":
                    set {_} to "&aWLACZONA"
                    set {_} to "&cWYLACZONA"
                send "&9=================================================="
                send " &7Gracz: &6%arg 1%"
                send " &9» &7Niesmiertelnosc: &6%{_}%"
                send " &9» &7IP: &6%arg 1's ip%"
                send " &9» &7Gamemode: &6%arg 1's gamemode%"
                send " &9» &7Przezwisko: &6%arg 1's display name%"
                send " &9» &7Poziom: &6%arg 1's level%"
                send " &9» &7Progres poziomu: &6%arg 1's level progress%"
                send " &9» &7Zycie: &6%arg 1's health%"
                send " &9» &7Najedzenie: &6%arg 1's food level%"
                send " &9» &7Lokacja:"
                send " &9* &7X: &6%arg 1's x-location%"
                send " &9* &7Y: &6%arg 1's y-location%"
                send " &9* &7Z: &6%arg 1's z-location%"
                send "&9=================================================="
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.whois)"
# kick all #

command /Ntools:kickall [<text>]:
    description: Ntools » Wyrzucanie wszystkich graczy z serwera.
    executable by: players
    aliases: kick
        if player has permission "Ntools.kickall":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                loop all players:
                    loop-player doesn't have permission "Ntools.kickall" or "Ntools.kickall.exempt" or "Ntools.*":
                        kick loop-player due to "&7Zostales wyrzucony z serwera. &7(Admin: &6%player%&7)"
                broadcast "{@tag} &7Administrator: &6%player% &7wyrzucil &6wszystkich graczy&7."
                loop all players:
                    loop-player doesn't have permission "nBase.kickall" or "nBase.kickall.exempt" or "nBase.*":
                        kick loop-player due to "&6%colored arg 1% &7(Admin: &6%player%&7)"
                broadcast "{@tag} &7Administrator: &6%player% &7wyrzucil &6wszystkich graczy &7za &6%colored arg 1%&7."
            send "&4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.kickall)"
# aktualizacje #

on script load:
    set {_} to result of connect to ""
    if {_} is not "0.2":
        send "Ntools &7Wykryto, ze obecna wersja nie jest najnowsza." to console
        send "Ntools &7Pobieranie..." to console
        delete folder "plugins/Ntools"
        delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
        wait 10 ticks
        download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
        wait 10 ticks
        execute console command "sk reload all"
        send "Ntools &7Najnowsza wersja skryptu zostala pobrana." to console
        send "Ntools &7Zyczymy milego uzytkowania." to console
    if folder "plugins/Ntools" doesn't exists:
        create folder "plugins/Ntools"

# swiniarka #

Prefix: &6* &5&lN&ftools&a2 &6* #Tag skryptu
ClickBlock: stone button #Blok ktory trzeba kliknac, aby respily sie swinie
BlockBehind: redstone lamp #Blok za kliknietym blokiem
Wait: 5 #Co ile mozna uzywac przycisku
Name: &6* &5&lN&ftools&a2 &6* #Nazwa swini
Amount: 5 #Ilosc swin
AmountPork: 5 #Ilosc Miesa przy spawnie swin
LifePig: 1 #Zycie swin

Command /SpawnPig [<text>]:
aliases: sp, pig
if player has permission "SpawnPig.*":
if arg 1 is not set:
send "{@Prefix}"
send "&7/SpawnPig set"
send "&7/SpawnPig del"
send "&7/SpawnPig help"
if arg 1 is "help" or "pomoc":
send "{@Prefix}"
send "&7/SpawnPig set"
send "&7/SpawnPig del"
if arg 1 is "set" or "ustaw":
set {SpawnPig} to location of player
send "{@Prefix} &7Stworzono spawn swin."
if arg 1 is "del" or "usun":
clear {SpawnPig}
send "{@Prefix} &7Usunieto spawn swin."
send "&cBrak uprawnien"

on rightclick:
if clicked block is {@ClickBlock}:
if block behind clicked block is {@BlockBehind}:
if difference between {PigWait.%player%} and now is less than {@Wait} seconds:
set {_Time} to difference between {PigWait.%player%} and now
set {PigWait.%player%} to now
drop {@AmountPork} cooked pork at {SpawnPig}
loop {@Amount} times:
spawn 1 pig at {SpawnPig}
ignite spawned pig
set display name of spawned pig to "{@Name}"
set max health of spawned pigs to {@LifePig}
# randomtp #

    x-min: -3000
    x-max: 3000
    z-min: -3000
    z-max: 3000
on right click:
    if clicked block is stone button:
        if block behind clicked block is sponge:
            set {_x} to random integer between {@x-min} and {@x-max}
            set {_y} to 256
            set {_z} to random integer between {@z-min} and {@z-max}
            set {_location} to location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z}
            set {randomtp.god.%player%} to true
            teleport player to {_location}
            send "{@tag} &7Przeteleportowano w losowe koordynaty &6(x: %{_x}% | z: %{_z}%)&7."
on damage:
    if victim is player:
        if {randomtp.god.%victim%} is true:
            cancel event
            delete {randomtp.god.%victim%}
# tajny kod #

on server ping:
    set motd to "{@nazwaserwera}"
on server list ping:
    set max player count to {@fakeslots}
on first join:
set {ban.%player%} to false

command /ban [<offlineplayer=%player%>] [<text>]:
permission: Ntools.ban
permission message: &4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.ban)
argument-offlineplayer is set:
set {ban.%arg 1%} to true
broadcast "&7| &aBAN &7| &cGracz %arg 1% zostal zbanowany z powodu &7( &9%arg 2% &7)."
wait 1 tick
kick argument-offlineplayer due to "&cZostales zbanowany z powodu &7( &9%arg 2% &7)."
add argument-offlineplayer to {ban::lista::*}
add 1 to {ban::lista1::*}
send "&cPoprawne uzycie /ban [gracz] [powod]."

command /tempban [<offlineplayer=%player%>] [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: Ntools.tempban
permission message: &4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.tempban)
argument-offlineplayer is set:
set {_time} to arg 2 parsed as number
set {mute.%arg 1%} to true
set {ban.%arg 1%} to true
broadcast "&7| &aTEMPBAN &7| &cGracz %arg 1% zostal zbanowany na %arg 2% sekund z powodu &7( &9%arg 3% &7)."
wait 1 tick
kick argument-offlineplayer due to "&cZostales zbanowany na %arg 2% sekund z powodu &7( &9%arg 3% &7)."
add argument-offlineplayer to {ban::lista::*}
add 1 to {ban::lista1::*}
loop {_time} times:
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&7| &aTEMPBAN &7| &cGracz %arg 1% zostal odbanowany."
set {ban.%arg 1%} to false
remove argument-offlineplayer from {ban::lista::*}
remove 1 from {ban::lista1::*}
send "&cPoprawne uzycie /tempban [gracz] [czas w sekundach] [powod]."

command /unban [<offlineplayer>]:
permission: Ntools.unban
permission message: &4Blad: &cNie posiadasz uprawnienia &8(Ntools.unban)
arg 1 is set:
set {ban.%arg 1%} to false
broadcast "&7| &aUNBAN &7| &aGracz %arg 1% zostal odbanowany."
remove argument-offlineplayer from {ban::lista::*}
remove 1 from {ban::lista1::*}
send "&cPoprawne uzycie /unban [gracz]."

on join:
if {ban.%player%} is true:
wait 1 tick
kick player due to "&cJestes zabanowany na zawsze."



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