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[Source / CS:GO] Xone

# CSH External VIP Project

Masz dosyć problemów z czynnikiem zaufania w CS2 lub notorycznymi banami?

Sprawdź CSH External VIP Project.

Więcej informacji  

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Wystarczy na dysku systemowym np. 😄 zrobic folder o nazwie XONE a w nim folder o nazwie Settings i configi działają

//Edit: albo zmienić folder z configami na np dysk systemowy i wtedy będą zawsze działać u każdego

Edytowane przez Tearful
Odnośnik do komentarza

Wyskakuje mi taki błąd po skompilowaniu jak go naprawić?


Błąd    LNK1181    nie można otworzyć pliku wejściowego „Cheat\VMP\VMProtectSDK32.lib”    X1    C:\Users\*****\OneDrive\Pulpit\Xone-Cheat-90---master\X1\LINK    1    

Odnośnik do komentarza

@nope43 skompilowałeś w visual studio?

Jeśli pomogłem daj up.png



gAimbot->Trigger4(Entity, Takedown, CustomerEye);


Odnośnik do komentarza

@Matias285 Łap tu całą aktualną klase, może pomoże.

class i_material_system : public i_app_system { public: virtual create_interface_fn init(char const* pshaderapidll, i_material_proxy_factory *pmaterialproxyfactory, create_interface_fn filesystemfactory, create_interface_fn cvarfactory = NULL) = 0; virtual void set_shader_api(char const *pshaderapidll) = 0; virtual void set_adapter(int nadapter, int nflags) = 0; virtual void mod_init() = 0; virtual void mod_shutdown() = 0; virtual void set_thread_mode(material_thread_mode_t mode, int nservicethread = -1) = 0; virtual material_thread_mode_t get_thread_mode() = 0; virtual void execute_queued() = 0; virtual void on_debug_event(const char *pevent) = 0; virtual i_material_system_hardware_config* get_hardware_config(const char *pversion, int *returncode) = 0; virtual void __unknown() = 0; virtual bool update_config(bool bforceupdate) = 0; //20 virtual bool override_config(const material_system_config_t &config, bool bforceupdate) = 0; virtual const material_system_config_t& get_current_config_for_video_card() const = 0; virtual bool get_recommended_configuration_info(int ndxlevel, key_values * pkey_values) = 0; virtual int get_display_adapter_count() const = 0; virtual int get_current_adapter() const = 0; virtual void get_display_adapter_info(int adapter, material_adapter_info_t& info) const = 0; virtual int get_mode_count(int adapter) const = 0; virtual void get_mode_info(int adapter, int mode, material_video_mode_t& info) const = 0; virtual void add_mode_change_callback(mode_change_callback_func_t func) = 0; virtual void get_display_mode(material_video_mode_t& mode) const = 0; //30 virtual bool set_mode(void* hwnd, const material_system_config_t &config) = 0; virtual bool support_smsaa_mode(int nmsaamode) = 0; virtual const materialsystemhwid_t& get_video_card_identifier(void) const = 0; virtual void spew_driver_info() const = 0; virtual void get_back_buffer_dimensions(int &width, int &height) const = 0; virtual image_format get_back_buffer_format() const = 0; virtual const aspect_ratio_info_t& get_aspect_ratio_info() const = 0; virtual bool supports_hdr_mode(hdr_type_t nhdrmodede) = 0; virtual bool add_view(void* hwnd) = 0; virtual void remove_view(void* hwnd) = 0; //40 virtual void set_view(void* hwnd) = 0; virtual void begin_frame(float frametime) = 0; virtual void end_frame() = 0; virtual void flush(bool flushhardware = false) = 0; virtual unsigned int get_current_frame_count() = 0; virtual void swap_buffers() = 0; virtual void evict_managed_resources() = 0; virtual void release_resources(void) = 0; virtual void reacquirere_sources(void) = 0; virtual void add_release_func(material_buffer_release_func_t func) = 0; //50 virtual void remove_release_func(material_buffer_release_func_t func) = 0; virtual void add_restore_func(material_buffer_restore_func_t func) = 0; virtual void remove_restore_func(material_buffer_restore_func_t func) = 0; virtual void add_end_frame_cleanup_func(end_frame_cleanup_func_t func) = 0; virtual void remove_end_frame_cleanup_func(end_frame_cleanup_func_t func) = 0; virtual void on_level_shutdown() = 0; virtual bool add_on_level_shutdown_func(on_level_shutdown_func_t func, void *puserdata) = 0; virtual bool remove_on_level_shutdown_func(on_level_shutdown_func_t func, void *puserdata) = 0; virtual void on_level_loading_complete() = 0; virtual void reset_temp_hw_memory(bool bexitinglevel = false) = 0; //60 virtual void handle_device_lost() = 0; virtual int shader_count() const = 0; virtual int get_shaders(int nfirstshader, int nmaxcount, i_shader **ppshaderlist) const = 0; virtual int shader_flag_count() const = 0; virtual const char* shader_flag_name(int nindex) const = 0; virtual void get_shader_fallback(const char *pshadername, char *pfallbackshader, int nfallbacklength) = 0; virtual i_material_proxy_factory* get_material_proxy_factory() = 0; virtual void set_material_proxy_factory(i_material_proxy_factory* pfactory) = 0; virtual void enable_editor_materials() = 0; virtual void enable_g_buffers() = 0; //70 virtual void set_instub_mode(bool binstubmode) = 0; virtual void debug_print_used_materials(const char *psearchsubstring, bool bverbose) = 0; virtual void debug_print_used_textures(void) = 0; virtual void toggle_suppress_material(char const* pmaterialname) = 0; virtual void toggle_debug_material(char const* pmaterialname) = 0; virtual bool using_fast_clipping(void) = 0; virtual int stencil_buffer_bits(void) = 0; //number of bits per pixel in the stencil buffer virtual void un_cache_all_materials() = 0; virtual void un_cache_unused_materials(bool brecomputestatesnapshots = false) = 0; virtual void cache_used_materials() = 0; //80 virtual void reload_textures() = 0; virtual void reload_materials(const char *psubstring = NULL) = 0; virtual i_material* create_material(const char *pmaterialname, key_values *pvmtkey_values) = 0; virtual i_material* find_material(char const* pmaterialname, const char *ptexturegroupname, bool complain = true, const char *pcomplainprefix = NULL) = 0; virtual void unk0() = 0; virtual materialhandle_t first_material() const = 0; virtual materialhandle_t next_material(materialhandle_t h) const = 0; virtual materialhandle_t invalid_material() const = 0; virtual i_material* get_material(materialhandle_t h) const = 0; virtual int get_num_materials() const = 0; virtual i_texture* find_texture(char const* ptexturename, const char *ptexturegroupname, bool complain = true) = 0; virtual bool is_texture_loaded(char const* ptexturename) const = 0; virtual i_texture* create_procedural_texture(const char *ptexturename, const char *ptexturegroupname, int w, int h, image_format fmt, int nflags) = 0; virtual void begin_render_target_allocation() = 0; virtual void end_render_target_allocation() = 0; // simulate an alt-tab in here, which causes a release/restore of all resources virtual i_texture* create_render_target_texture(int w, int h, render_target_size_mode_t sizemode, image_format format, material_render_target_depth_t depth = material_rt_depth_shared) = 0; virtual i_texture* create_named_render_target_textureex(const char *prtname, int w, int h, render_target_size_mode_t sizemode, image_format format, material_render_target_depth_t depth = material_rt_depth_shared, unsigned int textureflags = textureflags_clamps | textureflags_clampt, unsigned int rendertargetflags = 0) = 0; virtual i_texture* create_named_render_target_texture(const char *prtname, int w, int h, render_target_size_mode_t sizemode, image_format format, material_render_target_depth_t depth = material_rt_depth_shared, bool bclamptexcoords = true, bool bautomipmap = false) = 0; virtual i_texture* create_named_render_target_textureex2(const char *prtname, int w, int h, render_target_size_mode_t sizemode, image_format format, material_render_target_depth_t depth = material_rt_depth_shared, unsigned int textureflags = textureflags_clamps | textureflags_clampt, unsigned int rendertargetflags = 0) = 0; };

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