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[Skrypt] KikSK - Kółko i krzyżyk w MC !

# CSH External VIP Project

Masz dosyć problemów z czynnikiem zaufania w CS2 lub notorycznymi banami?

Sprawdź CSH External VIP Project.

Więcej informacji  

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Autor : knugi

Opis skryptu :

Dzięki temu skryptowi, będziemy mogli pobawić się z kolegą na naszym serwerze, w kółko i krzyżyk!

Zdjęcia :





Kod skryptu

command /kik [<text>]:
  if arg 1 is not set:
   send "&aKik &cby &fKnugi"
   send "&6Kik to gra w Kolko i Krzyzyk."
   send "&a/kik <gracz> &8- &7proponujesz gre dla gracza"
  set {_player} to "%arg 1%" parsed as offlineplayer
  if {_player} is player:
   send "&c* &7Nie mozesz grac z samym soba."
  if {_player} is online:
   if distance between player and {_player} is smaller than 5.1:
    if {kik::%{_player}%.status} is not set:
     set {kik::%{_player}%.status} to "oczekiwanie"
     set {kik::%player%.status} to "gotowy"
     set {kik::%{_player}%.with} to player
     set {kik::%player%.with} to {_player}
     set {kik::%{_player}%.trial} to 15
     set {kik::%player%.trial} to 15
     send "&c* &7Zaprosiles gracza &6%{_player}% &7do gry w kolko i krzyzyk." to player
     send "&c* &7Gracz &6%player% &7zaprasza Cie do gry w kolko i krzyzyk&7.%nl%&7Aby akceptowac: &6/kik %player%" to {_player}
    if {kik::%{_player}%.status} is "gotowy":
     if {kik::%{_player}%.with} is player:
      close {_player}'s inventory
      clear {kik::%player%.trial}
      clear {kik::%{_player}%.trial}
      set {kik::%player%.points} to 0
      set {kik::%{_player}%.points} to 0
      wait 2 tick
      open chest with 5 rows named "&9&lKolko i krzyzyk" to player
      open chest with 5 rows named "&9&lKolko i krzyzyk" to {_player}
      set {kik::%player%.status} to "gra"
      set {kik::%{_player}%.status} to "gra"
      loop 9 times:
       set {_} to loop-number
       if loop-number is 2 or 6:
        loop 5 times:
         set player's current inventory's slot {_} to blue glass named "&6Przedzialka"
         set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_} to blue glass named "&6Przedzialka"
         add 9 to {_}
       else if loop-number is between 3 and 5:
        set player's current inventory's slot {_} to blue glass named "&6Przedzialka"
        set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_} to blue glass named "&6Przedzialka"
        set player's current inventory's slot {_} + 4*9 to blue glass named "&6Przedzialka"
        set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_} + 4*9 to blue glass named "&6Przedzialka"
      set player's current inventory's slot 40 to paper named "&9&lWyniki" with lore "&6Twoje punkty: &c0||&6Punkty &3%{_player}%: &c0"
      set {_player}'s current inventory's slot 40 to paper named "&9&lWyniki" with lore "&6Twoje punkty: &c0||&6Punkty &3%player%: &c0"
      set player's current inventory's slot 44 to iron door named "&c&lWyjscie" with lore "&6Kliknij aby zakonczyc gre"
      set {_player}'s current inventory's slot 44 to iron door named "&c&lWyjscie" with lore "&6Kliknij aby zakonczyc gre"
      set player's current inventory's slot 8 to player head named "&3%{_player}%"
      set {_player}'s current inventory's slot 8 to player head named "&3%player%"
      set {kik::%player%.item} to random integer between 0 and 1
      if {kik::%player%.item} is 0:
       set {kik::%player%.item} to snowball named "&9&lO"
       set {kik::%{_player}%.item} to cobweb named "&9&lX"
       set {kik::%player%.item} to cobweb named "&9&lX"
       set {kik::%{_player}%.item} to snowball named "&9&lO"
      set {_} to 0
      set {_1} to 1
      loop 5 times:
       if {kik::%player%.item} is snowball:
        set player's current inventory's slot {_} to light green wool named "&6Twoj ruch"
        set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_} to red wool named "&6Ruch &3%player%"
        set player's current inventory's slot {_1} to snowball named "&9&lO"
        set player's current inventory's slot {_1}+6 to cobweb named "&9&lX"
        set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_1}+6 to snowball named "&9&lO"
        set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_1} to cobweb named "&9&lX"
        add 9 to {_1}
        add 9 to {_}
        set player's current inventory's slot {_} to red wool named "&6Ruch &3%player%"
        set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_} to light green wool named "&6Twoj ruch"
        set player's current inventory's slot {_1}+6 to snowball named "&9&lO"
        set player's current inventory's slot {_1} to cobweb named "&9&lX"
        set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_1} to snowball named "&9&lO"
        set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_1}+6 to cobweb named "&9&lX"
        add 9 to {_1}
        add 9 to {_}
      set {_i} to 0
      loop 45 times:
       set {kik::%player%.items::%{_i}%} to player's current inventory's slot {_i}
       set {kik::%{_player}%.items::%{_i}%} to {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_i}
       add 1 to {_i}
   send "&7Jestes za daleko od tego gracza."
on quit:
 if {kik::%player%.status} is "gra":
  send "&7Twoj towarzysz opuscil gre. Ukonczyles z wynikiem &f%{kik::%player%.points}%&c:&f%{kik::%{_player}%.points}%" to {kik::%player%.with}
  set {_player} to {kik::%player%.with}
  close {_player}'s inventory
  clear {kik::%player%.status}
  clear {kik::%player%.with}
  clear {kik::%player%.points}
  clear {kik::%player%.item}
  clear {kik::%player%.items::*}
  clear {kik::%{_player}%.status}
  clear {kik::%{_player}%.with}
  clear {kik::%{_player}%.points}
  clear {kik::%{_player}%.item}
  clear {kik::%{_player}%.items}
 if {kik::%player%.status} is "oczekiwanie" or "gotowy":
  clear {kik::%{kik::%player%.with}%.status}
  clear {kik::%{kik::%player%.with}%.with}
  clear {kik::%{kik::%player%.with}%.trial}
  clear {kik::%player%.status}
  clear {kik::%player%.with}
  clear {kik::%player%.trial}
every 1 second:
 loop all players:
  if {kik::%loop-player%.trial} is larger than 0:
   remove 1 from {kik::%loop-player%.trial}
  else if {kik::%loop-player%.trial} is 0:
   clear {kik::%{kik::%loop-player%.with}%.status}
   clear {kik::%{kik::%loop-player%.with}%.with}
   clear {kik::%{kik::%loop-player%.with}%.trial}
   clear {kik::%loop-player%.status}
   clear {kik::%loop-player%.with}
   clear {kik::%loop-player%.trial}
on inventory click:
 if "%inventory name of player's current inventory%" contains "Kolko i krzyzyk":
  if slot is smaller than 0:
  cancel event
  set {_player} to {kik::%player%.with}
  if player's current inventory's slot slot is iron door:
   send "&7Twoj towarzysz opuscil gre. Ukonczyles z wynikiem &f%{kik::%{_player}%.points}%&c:&f%{kik::%player%.points}%" to {_player}
   send "&7Wyszedles z gry. Ukonczyles z wynikiem &f%{kik::%player%.points}%&c:&f%{kik::%{_player}%.points}%"
   clear {kik::%player%.status}
   clear {kik::%player%.with}
   clear {kik::%player%.points}
   clear {kik::%player%.item}
   clear {kik::%player%.items::*}
   clear {kik::%{_player}%.status}
   clear {kik::%{_player}%.with}
   clear {kik::%{_player}%.points}
   clear {kik::%{_player}%.item}
   clear {kik::%{_player}%.items}
   close player's inventory
   close {_player}'s inventory
  if player's current inventory's slot 0 is light green wool:
   loop 14 times:
    set {_} to loop-number
    if loop-number is between 12 and 14:
     loop 3 times:
      if {_} is slot:
       if player's current inventory's slot slot is air:
        set player's current inventory's slot {_} to {kik::%player%.item}
        set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_} to {kik::%player%.item}
        set {kik::%player%.items::%slot%} to player's current inventory's slot slot
        set {kik::%{_player}%.items::%slot%} to {_player}'s current inventory's slot slot
        set {_j} to 12
        loop 3 times:
         if player's current inventory's slot {_j} is not air:
          if "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}%" and "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}+1%" is "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}+2%":
           set {_win} to true
         add 9 to {_j}
        set {_j} to 12
        loop 3 times:
         if player's current inventory's slot {_j} is not air:
          if "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}%" and "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}+9%" is "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}+18%":
           set {_win} to true
         add 1 to {_j}
        set {_j} to 12
        if player's current inventory's slot {_j} is not air:
         if "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}%" and "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}+10%" is "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}+20%":
          set {_win} to true
        set {_j} to 14
        if player's current inventory's slot {_j} is not air:
         if "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}%" and "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}+8%" is "%player's current inventory's slot {_j}+16%":
          set {_win} to true
        if {_win} is set:
         send "&3Wygrales!"
         send "&7Przegrales :(" to {_player}
         loop 14 times:
          set {_c} to loop-number-3
          if loop-number-3 is between 12 and 14:
           loop 3 times:
            clear {kik::%player%.items::%{_c}%}
            clear {kik::%{_player}%.items::%{_c}%}
            clear player's current inventory's slot {_c}
            clear {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_c}
            add 9 to {_c}
         set {kik::%player%.item} to random integer between 0 and 1
         if {kik::%player%.item} is 0:
          set {kik::%player%.item} to snowball named "&9&lO"
          set {kik::%{_player}%.item} to cobweb named "&9&lX"
          set {kik::%player%.item} to cobweb named "&9&lX"
          set {kik::%{_player}%.item} to snowball named "&9&lO"
         set {_} to 0
         set {_1} to 1
         loop 5 times:
          if {kik::%player%.item} is snowball:
           set player's current inventory's slot {_} to light green wool named "&6Twoj ruch"
           set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_} to red wool named "&6Ruch &3%player%"
           set player's current inventory's slot {_1} to snowball named "&9&lO"
           set player's current inventory's slot {_1}+6 to cobweb named "&9&lX"
           set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_1}+6 to snowball named "&9&lO"
           set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_1} to cobweb named "&9&lX"
           add 9 to {_1}
           add 9 to {_}
           set player's current inventory's slot {_} to red wool named "&6Ruch &3%player%"
           set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_} to light green wool named "&6Twoj ruch"
           set player's current inventory's slot {_1}+6 to snowball named "&9&lO"
           set player's current inventory's slot {_1} to cobweb named "&9&lX"
           set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_1} to snowball named "&9&lO"
           set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_1}+6 to cobweb named "&9&lX"
           add 9 to {_1}
           add 9 to {_}   
         add 1 to {kik::%player%.points}
         set player's current inventory's slot 40 to paper named "&9&lWyniki" with lore "&6Twoje punkty: &c%{kik::%player%.points}%||&6Punkty &3%{_player}%: &c%{kik::%{_player}%.points}%"
         set {_player}'s current inventory's slot 40 to paper named "&9&lWyniki" with lore "&6Twoje punkty: &c%{kik::%{_player}%.points}%||&6Punkty &3%player%: &c%{kik::%player%.points}%"
        set {_0} to 0
        loop 5 times:
         set player's current inventory's slot {_0} to red wool named "&6Ruch &3%{kik::%player%.with}%"
         set {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_0} to light green wool named "&6Twoj ruch"
         add 9 to {_0}
      add player's current inventory's slot {_} to {_temp::*}
      add 9 to {_}
   if "%{_temp::*}%" doesn't contain "air":
    send "&7Remis" to player and {_player}
    loop 14 times:
     set {_c} to loop-number
     if loop-number is between 12 and 14:
      loop 3 times:
       clear {kik::%player%.items::%{_c}%}
       clear {kik::%{_player}%.items::%{_c}%}
       clear player's current inventory's slot {_c}
       clear {_player}'s current inventory's slot {_c}
       add 9 to {_c}
on inventory close:
 if "%inventory name of player's current inventory%" contains "Kik z: ":
  if {kik::%player%.status} is not set:
  wait 2 tick
  open chest with 5 rows named "&9&lKolko i krzyzyk" to player
  wait 2 tick
  loop {kik::%player%.items::*}:
   set player's current inventory's slot loop-index parsed as integer to loop-value

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