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[SMX] CSGO Server Crasher Exploit Patch

# CSH External VIP Project

Masz dosyć problemów z czynnikiem zaufania w CS2 lub notorycznymi banami?

Sprawdź CSH External VIP Project.

Więcej informacji  

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi


  • Plugin SourceMod, który łata aktualny exploit na dzień dzisiejszy [28.06.2019] na crashowanie serwerów


  • Plik *.smx przenieś do csgo / addons / sourcemod / plugins


  • backwards


Kod źródłowy pluginu:

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

public Plugin:myinfo =
	name = "SendFile Exploit Fix",
	author = "backwards",
	description = "Prevents Clients From Exploiting The Un-Patched SRCDS SendFile Command. ( Report #472858 (Thanks For Ignoring My 8 Month Old Report!))",
	url = ""


bool InLevel[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...};
int RequestCount[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {0, ...};

public OnPluginStart()
	CreateTimer(5.0, DecrementThread, _, TIMER_REPEAT);

public Action:DecrementThread(Handle:timer, any:unused)
	for (new client = 0; client <= MaxClients; client++)
		RequestCount[client] -= 32;
		if(RequestCount[client] < 0)
			RequestCount[client] = 0;
	return Plugin_Continue;

public OnMapStart()
	for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
				InLevel[client] = true;
				RequestCount[client] = 0;

public OnMapEnd()
	for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
		InLevel[client] = false;
		RequestCount[client] = 0;

public OnClientPutInServer(client)
	InLevel[client] = true;
	RequestCount[client] = 0;

public OnClientDisconnect(client)
	RequestCount[client] = 0;

public Action OnFileSend(int client, const char[] sFile)
				KickClient(client, "ServerCrashExploitAttempt.");
			return Plugin_Stop;
	return Plugin_Continue;

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Szukasz taniego i bardzo dobrego cheata na legit? Wypróbuj CSH External VIP Project.

Odnośnik do komentarza

@Seksuolog a to przypadkiem nie jest tak że to naprawia błąd na crashowanie serwerów?


Plugin SourceMod, który łata aktualny exploit na dzień dzisiejszy [28.06.2019] na crashowanie serwerów


Pomogłem? Jeśli tak to zostaw punkt reputacji!



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Odnośnik do komentarza



There's a new exploit in the wild which allows any client to attack the server after connecting if you have sv_allowdownload set to 1. On Linux the servers will most likely restart within 30 seconds if there's a watchdog timer installed. On Windows this exploit can be utilized to cause a Blue Screen Of Death on your dedicated hosters box. The exploit involves the use of the RequestFile command and has already been reported to Valve (~8 Months ago) through the bounty bug reward program. The report was ignored by the HackerOne Staff because it didnt meet the standards of "crashing the server" ( Report #472858 ). Even though this can lead to a BSOD if used correctly and as shown in my submited Proof Of Concept. ...


The exploit's POC was stolen from one of my un-secured dedicated test servers recently by some "Hackers" and now is being sold by them. The POC was written to work on all versions of SRCDS so many servers are at risk until valve releases an official patch. I've written my own patch for the community to use until that date comes.


Symptoms of the exploit being used on your server would be to see the text "File '%s' requested from" spammed in your SRCDS console. These messages do not create logs in any document so it may be hard for some users to track what's happening. This is mostly expected to plauge CS:GO/CStrike servers currently.


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Szukasz taniego i bardzo dobrego cheata na legit? Wypróbuj CSH External VIP Project.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Trzeba czytać ze zrozumieniem. Napisałem, że jest to plugin do SourceMod, a SourceMod to platforma do skryptowania rozszerzająca możliwości silnika gry na serwerach

Pomogłem i chcesz podziękować? Zostaw up.png przy poście



Szukasz taniego i bardzo dobrego cheata na legit? Wypróbuj CSH External VIP Project.

Odnośnik do komentarza
Ten temat został zamknięty. Brak możliwości dodania odpowiedzi.
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